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  1. P

    The "Bald Dude" Mod!

    The original is definately the best, I revoke anything I said before. :D
  2. P

    Age Cap Problem solved.
  3. P

    The Redhead Thread

    Bigger more natural looking boobs, and less blocky hair.
  4. P

    The "Bald Dude" Mod!

    I think the mustache is cool and adds more much needed personality. Maybe if he had a sort of skinhead tough guy look i'd change my mind?
  5. P

    Mr.Black Dude (A new playable critter for Fallout 2)

    There's a certain lack of female critters, although I think we should get all the Male characters out of the way first. After all what other female characters can we make apart from the punk girl? Also we've got a race slider with nothing in it, which is sorta shitty. Edit ; Also, I'd like to...
  6. P

    Mr.Black Dude (A new playable critter for Fallout 2)

    I updated el blacko and gave him a neat little soul patch. I tweaked his head. ;)
  7. P

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Same here, Locust Abortion Technician is currently on heavy rotation. ENGLISH The Eggs/Balls of Satan Half a cup of powdered sugar One quarter teaspoo salt One knifetip Turkish hash Half a pound butter One teaspoon vanilla-sugar...
  8. P

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread
  9. P

    Your opinion of most of the people in real life?

    I try to be nice to everyone but just come off like a dick sometimes, make of that what you will. There's alot of douchebags I know who i'm surrounded by in everyday situations with massive egos. I like my friends though most of the time.
  10. P

    The "Bald Dude" Mod!

    The loveable slaphead works perfectly so far, awesome awesome awesome. Good work everyone on the insane ammount of time work and effort that went into making this PC possible. :)
  11. P

    Fallout: New Vegas companions revealed

    I wonder if Vic or Sulik will be mentioned...
  12. P

    The "Bald Dude" Mod!

    Friggin excellent work.
  13. P

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Some cowboy guy? cool. 8.5/10
  14. P

    Halo: Reach

    Looks interesting but I think i'm going to pass this one up until it drops in price. Halo games have just bored me since Halo 2 was released. I did enjoy Halo: CE when I first had it.
  15. P

    New animations 2

    Thanks fellas, titanium FRM browser seemed to do it. Here's what I've got.
  16. P

    New animations 2

    :look: It's still not working
  17. P

    New animations 2

    Thanken you. ;) Unfortunately though, every time I open frm2gif it just shuts down automatically...are there any workarounds or alternative programs I can use?
  18. P

    New animations 2

    I know I've asked this before, but how do I convert a .frm file into a .gif? :P
  19. P

    Surprising Internet Porn Statistics

    Combined with your avatar this statement became absolute comedy gold. Although you do have a point, there is bound to be somebody who stumbles along and types child pornography into google hoping something might come up.
  20. P

    The "Bald Dude" Mod!

    Awesome, thank you. :D