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  1. P

    The "Bald Dude" Mod!

    How should I go about keeping in the metal spikes? And is any of the metal armor done already? :D
  2. P

    The "Bald Dude" Mod!

    Alright fella, i'll start work on it tomorrow. ;) EDIT: Once the FRMs are finished, who should I send the files to?
  3. P

    The "Bald Dude" Mod!

    I'll do whatever, i'd just like to help in whatever way possible.
  4. P

    The "Bald Dude" Mod!

    Apologies for necromancy, double post and prolonged response. I've been on holiday for the past week so I didn't have any time to work on Mr.Baldie, as my laptop is broken. When I returned I found my Desktop computer completely messed up, before I left I had the Gun animations about 70%...
  5. P

    Planescape; Torment modifications

    I still have no real idea with the mythology or background of the game whatsoever, I really want to enjoy this game but I can't find myself liking it.
  6. P

    Planescape; Torment modifications

    It's not that the game bores me, it just confuses me. I really want to get into it as i've heard it picks up after the first section of the game. Thanks again :D
  7. P

    Planescape; Torment modifications

    Okay dudes, here's whats going down. I've reinstalled Planescape ; Torment in order to give it a second chance, I've played 2 - 3 hours into it, got bored and uninstalled it again. I could never get into the game itself, are there any mods I should install so I can get maximum enjoyment from...
  8. P

    The "Bald Dude" Mod!

    Alright cool, I'm about halfway done. I'm going away for a few days so i'll probably have it done this time next week. Thanks for the help. :D
  9. P

    Starcraft 2 will jump out of your monitor with 3D

    It'll be a worldwide nerdgasm in 3D. Wouldn't be surprised if they tacked on a fee to play the game in 3D, people would probably be dumb enough to buy it.
  10. P

    The chosen ones story

    I second this, drawings one thing I always wished I would have picked up on as a kid...the drawing itself is pretty alright, i mean I've seen worse, keep practicing.
  11. P

    The "Bald Dude" Mod!

    No I mean how do I expand it? I thought cropping was cutting out some of the photo. :P sorry i'm kind of shit at photoshop. edit: Nevermind, I've figured it out. :look:
  12. P

    The "Bald Dude" Mod!

    How the hell do I do that? :|
  13. P

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    I thought it was multi-platform? Definately doesn't look like it's worth my money, I can wait for Dead Rising 2.
  14. P

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    10/10 :D
  15. P

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    I might get Crackdown 2, the first one was enjoyable enough.
  16. P

    x'il's very cool robot

    That robot is damn cool.
  17. P

    The "Bald Dude" Mod!

    :lol: Thats alright, i'll get it done again. The error appeared for like, every frame I made on one character animation.
  18. P

    The "Bald Dude" Mod!

    God damn it, this will take longer than I thought. :roll:
  19. P

    The "Bald Dude" Mod!

    I've been doing them without the exposed arms, i'll have it done soon. If I run into any problems ill let you know ;) EDIT: Bald dude lives! EDIT 2: I'm getting this error, D: What am I doing wrong? :?