Search results

  1. P

    Its the end of the world and you have to choose!

    Zombies seems like the more viable option for me. I've got a motherfucking evacuation plan and shit. That'd be friggin cool.
  2. P

    Red Dead Redemption

    Campfires?! Fucking campfires?! I want this game... :(
  3. P

    The "tat" of the slavers guild

    I always imagined a tribal sort of tattoo down the eye, I like the skull idea though.
  4. P

    OnLive gets a launch date - June 17th

    I don't like the idea of this at all. What's wrong with consoles and PC's as they are?
  5. P

    Red Dead Redemption

    It will come to PC eventually, granted, in a horribly bugged out fashion.
  6. P

    Any good games for Evil characters?

    Definately Planescape : Torment, although if your posting on these forums im sure you've already played it.
  7. P

    Red Dead Redemption

    Alright, I'm extremely friggin' hyped up the shit about this game. I'm counting down the days until its release. I personally love the whole western style, and Red Dead Revolver might be one of my favorite PS2 games. Also it's coming out on May 17th, which is my birthday. :crazy: Looks...
  8. P

    BioShock 2

    If I were in charge of Bioshock 1's story and writing I would have changed the second half of the game completely. My favorite part in the first was when the submarine exploded, superb atmosphere, voice acting, writing and sound design. I beat Bioshock 2 like a week ago and I wasn't as...
  9. P

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    What the....fuck? out of confusion i feel compelled to give 8/10
  10. P

    Verizon blocks 4chan.

    4chan is a breeding ground of retardedness so im not really bothered about it being blocked, but if someone wants to look at something on 4chan on their phone just let them. It's not like the websites breaking any rules like child pornography.
  11. P

    Mass Effect 2

    Completed this game a few nights ago and it was pretty good. It is unfortunate how most of it revolved around recruiting squad members and scanning planets though.
  12. P

    Fallout New Vegas Teaser Trailer.

    NCR are returning! :D Honestly i'm not going to blindly speculate like i did with fallout 3. I'm interested in what happens to this project to say the least.
  13. P

    Dragon Age or Mass Effect 2?

    It's definately most part a straight up shooter and not the RPG I was expecting. I'm at the part where the normandy is attacked by the collectors, which was pretty awesome. I've clocked in about 10 hours of the game. Dragon Age probably would have been the better choice but still whatever, it...
  14. P

    Dragon Age or Mass Effect 2?

    I bought mass effect and i'm having alot of fun with it. Thanks for all your replies fellas, you've been pretty helpful. :D
  15. P

    JD Salinger is dead

    I should probably read Catcher in the Rye now... :(
  16. P

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Radiohead are awesome 10/10
  17. P

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Enclave guy. 10/10 since its from the greatest game of all time. :)
  18. P

    Dragon Age or Mass Effect 2?

    I actually didn't enjoy Mass Effect 1...Goddamnit i don't know. I'll probably end up getting dragon age.
  19. P

    Dragon Age or Mass Effect 2?

    Sounds like dragon age is my bag. Cheers. :)