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  1. Dionis

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    I will take that as a compliment :silly:, sorry we never said we are excellent writers or translators, we were just people that were ready to get shit done, the translation is made for purpose of American editors to understand what they edit and for everyone at least to experience the mod for...
  2. Dionis

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout Nevada v1.02 [Deleted]

    We never worked on it. So I don't think so. But it seems it has to do with an inventory filter that is in the game and it is translated long time ago. So you don't need to execute this file for any good reason as far as I understand.
  3. Dionis

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    That's odd. Pyran worked for two days to fix the issue, and we tested it before and it ran excellent. Can you explain what you do step by step, but in another thread that is for error reports. This thread is for...
  4. Dionis

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    We have an excellent American editor Snikers, but he is just one guy, the project does need many editors but it also needs editors that are Fallout fans and know how Fallout dialog works and is presented. A lot of immersion is lost true, but nothing can be done in one day, quality comes in time...
  5. Dionis

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    Hell yeah we need editors! We need editors like we need air right now. No money needed for anything, we will do it as we did it always for free, at least I will. I or Snikers will contact you soon and give you some files to work on... Welcome aboard. You can donate to the developers of the mod...
  6. Dionis

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout Nevada v1.02 [Deleted]

    Does it say that in New update Readme? No! So no you don't need to, those files are included in the installer now and install automatically.
  7. Dionis

    Fallout Nevada bugs and errors report

    The editing team will look into it, once they finish Reno.
  8. Dionis

    Fallout Nevada bugs and errors report

    Got it, will fix.
  9. Dionis

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout Nevada v1.02 [Deleted] New patch is ready boys, try it and tell us if there are any issues. Big thanks to _Pyran_
  10. Dionis

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    We worked all day yesterday trying to fix that and we got a lot of progress, so just wait for the update we try to fix every technical issue.
  11. Dionis

    Fallout Nevada bugs and errors report

    Found another error in Reno Fixing it right now.
  12. Dionis

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    Ok people I have strong suspicion we have miscommunication in our team... Pyran seems to changed the folder structure which can't be correct since Fallout Nevada makes one by itself automatically. I repeat once more for a hundredth time its should be V.102 HD... Not 0.99 Not 1.02(15)!!! Yes...
  13. Dionis

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    It works fine on my end.
  14. Dionis

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    No it works fine here. Check your version of the game. It should be this
  15. Dionis

    Fallout Nevada bugs and errors report

    Error with the computer at Hawthorne is now fixed and will be in the next update.