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  1. Dionis

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    Damn those are cool changes, I should take a look at this CE when I'm done with our version.
  2. Dionis

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    Hey guys, it seems I missed to include some fixed heads from Vegas in the patch, but I think it's kinda late to add them, so we'll add them in the next update which is most likely coming soon.
  3. Dionis

    E3 Fallout News Thread

  4. Dionis

    Can you really call yourself a Fallout fan if you love Fallout 4, honestly?

    I disagree with you on differences part, a LOT.
  5. Dionis

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    :flameon: Fallout Nevada Russian Mod Fallout Nevada latest translation The update is up, enjoy and please let me know if I messed...
  6. Dionis

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    @Navarrrro fixed the heads just few hours ago. Some reported files have been edited, Lizard Trapper and such, intro movie and few cut-scenes, and Wind of War is now edited. I'm currently getting the patch together for the upload. It will be up in few hours. Or tomorrow max. 66% of the game is...
  7. Dionis

    Cyberpunk 2077

    It does, I bought in my PS4 back when my PC was older than my grama. Those were the dark ages of my life.:cry:
  8. Dionis

    Cyberpunk 2077

    I didn't say ME is an RPG, I said it was fantastic, and RPG elements in that game surpassed full blown RPG title FO3 because of the quality. Story, writing and the core of ME, the characters, especially ME2 were truly amazing. Also I agree on what you say about limitations of a voiced...
  9. Dionis

    Cyberpunk 2077

    As much as I enjoyed old style RPG with silent protagonist I can understand why modern game designers do this, and frankly I like it when it's done right. For example Mass Effect 2 was fucking awesome, it had always few choices but the choices mattered and had weight, the whole ME trilogy was...
  10. Dionis

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    Oh I see what you mean now.
  11. Dionis

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    Just overwrite it... Don't delete anything! Reinstall and do everything again.
  12. Dionis

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    Yes a small odd "quest", I can't fix the double option, it's something scripted and I'm not good with scripts. But I edited it heavily, so it's not broken English anymore.
  13. Dionis

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    ...overwrite everything.
  14. Dionis

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    Yes you're right the dog cannot be interacted with, it goes wild after it gets free, there are options, kill it, or leave it be. There is no way to return the dog. I translated what was missing, and edited the text. Give it a spin.
  15. Dionis

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    Well, the translation team provides only the original and we translate specifically for that version. CE adds some more things but I know nothing about it personally. You will find what to do in Readme file after you download the patch from my signature.
  16. Dionis

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    Its ok I got it, Salt Lake is not a big location.
  17. Dionis

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    Any screenshots? Location, or NPC name?
  18. Dionis

    Fallout 76: E3 Trailer

    It is obvious that this one will be all about dumb and brainless running around with bunch of people in pink armor, shooting shit, to loot shit, to build shit, and it waves this collective braindead flag so proudly. LMFAO fuck this childish trash.
  19. Dionis

    Fallout 76: E3 Trailer

    Each time I rewatch the gameplay trailer I'm just fucking speechless.