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  1. Dionis

    Fallout 76: E3 Trailer

    You know you fucked up when a person that is a fan of Fallout for 15 years gives zero shit about the new game. I was more hyped for Cyberpunk 2077 and classic Fallout are my favorite games OF ALL TIME. Yes Bethesda, go on, milk that shit, I never expected anything else anyway. Mediocre...
  2. Dionis

    E3 Fallout News Thread

    Damn they complain about killing and looting too?! Jesus Christ all mighty!
  3. Dionis

    Fallout 76: E3 Trailer

    After Fallout3, will never buy F4, or this joke of a Fallout game.
  4. Dionis

    Cyberpunk 2077

    Damn this trailer was all I needed from E3 this year, also I kinda like they showed the daytime instead of night, it was unexpected and surprising. Of course I will be playing at nighttime all the time anyway and prolly will download some mod that lets it rain all the time:silly:, but still it's...
  5. Dionis

    E3 Fallout News Thread

    @Black Angel Yeap, I couldn't agree more on what you said about about Japanese developers, the stuff that gets released there would be impossible to see the light of day in the Western world, I remember clearly an article of some feminists complaining about a series of games where you stalk and...
  6. Dionis

    E3 Fallout News Thread

    No I'm being honest there is no difference in what I talk about. Its not a hard concept to wrap your head around, you claim that SJW BS have nothing to do with fallout, but I will always counter that with Bethesda trying hard not to give them reason to complain about anything, by being so...
  7. Dionis

    E3 Fallout News Thread

    Great lets see how they will butcher the lore this time.
  8. Dionis

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    Could it be intentional? Like, Chris say something about the game being filled with bugs, I don't know seems pretty funny to me if it is.
  9. Dionis

    E3 Fallout News Thread

    @NMLevesque, please!:whatever: I don't want anyone especially Beth to redo anything from my favorite games, all that has to be done is to be faithful to the formula Fallout 1 set with it's RPG elements in Post Apocalyptic environment, and post apocalypse means there is, racism, slavery...
  10. Dionis

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    Fixed and edited almost every untranslated and bad dialog that have been reported. @Navarrrro edits Wind of War. We will post an update when he finishes. Also I encountered an issue where if I install two translated videos that pop in the beginning of the game with the date and everything, the...
  11. Dionis

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    We can, that is if @Foxx doesn't mind us including them. Where did the fixes came from anyway?
  12. Dionis

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    Oh, I never thought of that. Will do in the next update, or sooner.
  13. Dionis

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    Hmm, I don't know if we need any new threads. The game was around for so long and we only encountered these two bugs that are somewhat game breaking. I'm not sure, everyone reports issues here anyway, sometimes issues totally unrelated to the project too, unfortunately.
  14. Dionis

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    Yes you can help, I will pm you and send you some small files to edit, so you can see if this is something that you want to do. Also the details about the bugs would be great for me to track them. Note that there are two bugs İ don't know how to fix, they aren't text related. 1. İs random dialog...
  15. Dionis

    Can you really call yourself a Fallout fan if you love Fallout 4, honestly?

    I think we have to be fair no matter how much it hurts, if someone played F3,4 and it was their first, they can easily and rightfully so, call them selves a fallout fan. Not everyone is blessed to have experienced classic Fallout before Bethesda made it mainstream. Many people didn't know...
  16. Dionis

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    The team is working :postviper:...
  17. Dionis

    E3 Fallout News Thread

    My distaste? There is nothing that affects me personally and me alone, I think I made myself clear about the time difference between old and new Fallouts. There are things in the classic games that are impossible to pull off today because of this age of mass hysteria over the internet and rapid...
  18. Dionis

    E3 Fallout News Thread

    We have Sonora on the way, prolly going to take them as long as Nevada but I will be waiting as long as I have to. Don't worry brother those two already got legendary status under Fallout 2 mods belt, of course I meant them too.
  19. Dionis

    E3 Fallout News Thread

    I have no choice but to watch the reveal at E3 since it's related to my fav franchise, but I won't get excited and sure as HELL won't buy that shit, the same way I didn't buy Fallout 4. It's simple the way I see it, no one can recapture the magic the original team had, and honestly, I don't...
  20. Dionis

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    I remember that bug, really annoying. It's prolly the most serious bug I ran into while playing the Russian version.