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  1. Bughead

    I got called an Okama by a piece of shit foreigner. No, i'm not trans, dude lmao. It a was very...

    I got called an Okama by a piece of shit foreigner. No, i'm not trans, dude lmao. It a was very funny exchange
  2. Bughead

    i lost my virginity to my bully in some back alley in shibuya, sounds ridiculous, i know

    i lost my virginity to my bully in some back alley in shibuya, sounds ridiculous, i know
  3. Bughead

    nah ill keep it too lazy

    nah ill keep it too lazy
  4. Bughead

    epic failure

    epic failure
  5. Bughead

    ive been on this forum for 4 months and i now just realized i put in 2003 instead of 2002 as my...

    ive been on this forum for 4 months and i now just realized i put in 2003 instead of 2002 as my birth year
  6. Bughead

    on that horrifying note, Bullet train was fucking rad

    on that horrifying note, Bullet train was fucking rad
  7. Bughead

    Do you ever wake up and ask yourself: "Whose blood is this on my collar?"

    Do you ever wake up and ask yourself: "Whose blood is this on my collar?"
  8. Bughead

    the inevitable happened and i got dumped lol

    the inevitable happened and i got dumped lol
  9. Bughead

    it's the closest i'll ever get to humiliating people like i did trainers in the games irl by...

    it's the closest i'll ever get to humiliating people like i did trainers in the games irl by beating up their pokemon so badly and then extorting them for yen. Unless it's some blonde chick whose name is Cynthia, in which case i would probably just cry in some alley in shibuya.
  10. Bughead

    Yea, i'm one of those weirdos who still play pokemon go

    Yea, i'm one of those weirdos who still play pokemon go
  11. Bughead

    i threw it into the river because i didn't want her to smoke lol

    i threw it into the river because i didn't want her to smoke lol
  12. Bughead

    Am i an asshole?

    Am i an asshole?
  13. Bughead

    girlfriend told me she finally wanted to try out smoking since i wasn't listening to her, so i...

    girlfriend told me she finally wanted to try out smoking since i wasn't listening to her, so i threw my pack into the river. it was funny
  14. Bughead

    Fallout TV Series Begins Production

    Fallout Shelter has incest in it doesnt it
  15. Bughead

    I was at Shibuya the other day and saw the broadcast about ash finally becoming a champion in...

    I was at Shibuya the other day and saw the broadcast about ash finally becoming a champion in pokemon, took him what, like 25ish years? lmao
  16. Bughead

    Fallout TV Series Begins Production

    No, that valentine voice gives me nightmares.
  17. Bughead

    Fallout TV Series Begins Production

    for real? no bullshit? what? seriously? i sent this to some BoSFags and they're seething about it already lmao
  18. Bughead

    Dog's okay, i can go back to work again lol

    Dog's okay, i can go back to work again lol
  19. Bughead

    "Chiaki if you don't stop smoking that garbage I'm gonna dump your ass"

    "Chiaki if you don't stop smoking that garbage I'm gonna dump your ass"
  20. Bughead

    Most likely both.

    Most likely both.