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  1. frajaq

    Well THIS is eerily prophetic...

    With the Warrior I always just barged in the dungeons already swinging, and went my way to search for mines/go to Orc Strongholds in search of crafting materials. I did a lot more Smithing/Enchanting than the other, I never did quests for scummy characters and sided with the Empire after seeing...
  2. frajaq

    Well THIS is eerily prophetic...

    I disagree, my experience in playing my Two-Handed Orc Warrior in Skyrim was extremely different from my Thief/Archer Khajiit in the same game And this WITHOUT needing stats
  3. frajaq

    Well THIS is eerily prophetic...

    Video guy complained about removing stats from Oblivion -> Skyrim. Which is actually a really good thing considering they sucked ass and were annoying to plan around with. Thankfully a similar thing happened from F3 -> F4 when Beth took out the boring skill system and made it all perk-based
  4. frajaq

    Well THIS is eerily prophetic...

    Oh look another video bitching about DEM CASUAL GAMERS!! and game mechanics being changed for the benefit of the player, what a surprise
  5. frajaq

    [POLL] Is Fallout 4 better than Fallout 3?

    Are you guys genuinely angry that more people (specially console owners) are enjoying the Fallout series? What's up with this stupid hate for "casual" gamers?
  6. frajaq

    [POLL] Is Fallout 4 better than Fallout 3?

    Why would I joke about that. It really is the best so far and I have been enjoying playing it a lot
  7. frajaq

    [POLL] Is Fallout 4 better than Fallout 3?

    It's the best Fallout game by far
  8. frajaq

    Cabot House (SPOILERS)

    NMA's reverence of the first Fallout's lore as some kind of holy relic that must not be blemished AND IT'S TOTALLY SERIOUS GUYS is consistently one of the more hilarious parts of reading this forum
  9. frajaq

    Cabot House (SPOILERS)

    Here's a reason: it's just a video game. Wish I could have looted the artifact from the old guy's corpse
  10. frajaq

    Cabot House (SPOILERS)

    No? There's always a little weirdness here and there in the fallout series about aliens and psychic powers, it's not big deal. I just hope there's no Mothership Zeta-like DLC for F4
  11. frajaq

    Cabot House (SPOILERS)

    The only bad part of this quest is that you couldn't get the psychic powers from the guy
  12. frajaq

    Fallout 4 Achievement list

    It looks way better than the previous designs. It looks more aggressive and intimidating
  13. frajaq

    Fallout 4 Review Embargo Countdown

    Hmm they're keeping it really tight huh? Interesting
  14. frajaq

    Fallout 4 Achievement list

    I like the new sentry bot design a lot, it fits Fallout perfectly
  15. frajaq

    Fallout 4 Bible: Bethesda will never make a good Fallout game

    Ok I'm curious, what's your reason to hate something like that
  16. frajaq

    Fallout 4 has now gone gold

    We should give Bethesda a big thanks for saving the Fallout franchise from Interplay and bringing the games to MUCH more people.
  17. frajaq

    Fallout 4 has now gone gold

    Fuck yes, cannot wait
  18. frajaq

    From E3 untill now, Can you honestly tell me what we know of Fallout 4 objectively?

    Fallout 4 looks like a much improved Fallout 3 and a LOT of people enjoyed F3. And you're right most people loved New Vegas too and found it better! It's just that you guys can yell at the skies bitching about Bethesda's storytelling all you want, a lot of people just don't give a shit about...
  19. frajaq

    Maybe a somewhat good reason why DC looks firebombed?

    Yeah that doesn't sounds very fun to play/explore actually
  20. frajaq

    Hypocrisy: Season passes

    Because the DLCs of Fallout 3's and Skyrim (with the exception of that Hearthfire...thing) were pretty decent? Also Fallout 4 and Battlefront are like completely different games