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  1. Serifan

    Weather phenomenon

    Yep definitely do need to preserve the environment but currently as it stands it won't happen. Better option would be just to cull humans probably more effective than a promise to maybe cut emissions.
  2. Serifan

    Weather phenomenon

    Why for summon me outside the order. Climate change is natural process and animals and people will adapt to that change. Also I don't think I have to worry about drought when it rains 70mm in half an hour.
  3. Serifan

    Omfg I be Nisan out no douvle post shit here

    Omfg I be Nisan out no douvle post shit here
  4. Serifan

    Haha this never Jnew has here

    Haha this never Jnew has here
  5. Serifan

    10 mins parry be over

    10 mins parry be over
  6. Serifan

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    Hello alphons gangitano Ya welcome to come hang with me and boys at the order we gotta have sick convorsation
  7. Serifan

    Best Weapons To Use Against Frank Horrigan

    This one time I had built this dude call fistymickfist an did stuff like bruiser and that othe stuff around punchin dude out I got so power that I Coould one punch guy and they do slidey slidey oblong the ground until they hit a wall.
  8. Serifan

    Do You Get The Enhancement Implants?

    Well if I've played fallout that would depend if I was this smoth talking dude that charms my shit out of everting. So yeah I hop that explains that for yuo.
  9. Serifan

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    What's it this shut Order thread is much more gay.
  10. Serifan

    Pokemon Adventures

    I would like tub pokemum. Hahahaha
  11. Serifan

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    No ones postin the order and i needs atentin 0/10 what rating is this Agin sexy rating.
  12. Serifan

    Such an attention whore Serifan is, good riddance I say.

    Such an attention whore Serifan is, good riddance I say.
  13. Serifan

    What is your job/occupation?

    I am currently a environmental technician that owns and runs a recycling centre for a 10c refund scheme for consumable beverages which we process around 24 million items a year. Also have another business operating out of the same location which supplies an imported paving product from Malaysia...
  14. Serifan

    Trump wins

    hahahaha had no idea. I guess the new Star Wars is revenge for the black genocide in the prequels and lando calrissian being the only black dude in the originals. When I think about it George Lucas is a racist who honestly put black guys in white body armour and why white that shit would be...
  15. Serifan

    Trump wins

    My trump thread is better. It truly is pure insanity what is going on at the moment I feel like some old cunt because the world has changed so much. A very small part of me is sad Hillary lost because I would have loved to have seen the reaction of the left when America went to war with Russia...
  16. Serifan

    Russian Nuclear Drill with 40 million people. Can anyone confirm if this is legit. I'm having a hard time finding decent sources?
  17. Serifan

    What is wrong with our culture?

    is it bad I read it as what is wong with our culture.
  18. Serifan

    Add Angry Joe to the people who are helping to kill our franchise

    AMEN BROTHER!!!! Come on boys lets grab some pitchforks or maybe just go to Joe's house and hold up placards with catchy slogans. I had fun playing fallout 4. Your thread is stupid.
  19. Serifan

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    10/10 Would so wrap that hair around my waist.
  20. Serifan

    Would anyone be interested in purchasing

    I.....can't!....contain it!!!! I will buy if you have that.