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  1. L

    NPC Generator

    UPDATE: CODE: NPC Generator v2 (under developement) Every (5) dialog options depend on some skills increase these skills to get better chances for these dialog options 1: Share experiences = conversation skill NPC tell you about his life or background, random story Its good if you...
  2. L

    Not everyone can wear metal armor

    Code is placed in critter_p_proc procedure from player obj_dude script. It check few stuff and when test failure replace one item by other. I made it long time ago in Glow mod to replace guns. It was crazy concept, but now i found its great for replace armors. Not everyone can wear metal...
  3. L

    One universal learning book

    Yeah, and this could work as extra skill which someone teach you (similar to gecko skining) Script will add karma title to inform you about new possibilities, and check some global variable everytime you use tool connected to this "sub skill" (for example crowbar from robbery) Also check...
  4. L

    Head Pack V1

    It contain 38 pictures for NPC "talking heads" Just stuff which could be usefull to create mod. Download: (replaced)
  5. L

    One universal learning book

    Some new ideas about Robbery (this version is almost perfect) To increase chances to find item you need to use crowbar (similar by using lockpicks) Or you will use crowbar on scenery instead of open skilldex (much easier way) You will known where is possible to find something by look on...
  6. L

    Few ideas about dialog structure

    Different system: INT + CHA + LUC are chances to start dialog. When test failure this person will be anonymus to you ::Ignorance:: and only shown random floating messages. Its good because here its need only one dialog tree which open when you win test. Change Speech (ability to lie) into...
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    Few ideas about dialog structure

    Its concept of dialog which use that many stats and skills as its possible. Updates: version1
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    One universal learning book

    I see now how much possibilities give new system (use robbery skill on scenery) There is dont need to change scenery into containers because when succes in skill, items go to backpack.. so now each scenery box can hide items! But not only boxes could hide stuff. Cars could contain: junk...
  9. L

    One universal learning book

    Upgrade of idea (this one is much better) Robbery V2 Here is script: CODE Now exist four ways to secure stuff from thieves: (and four skills of thieves to get this items) -Set trap : Detect trap -Lock in safe : Lockpick -Place Guard : Sneak -Hide items : Robbering! Robbering...
  10. L

    One universal learning book

    I made some progress on robbery idea: -Robbery as alternate of steal skill, used to steal mostly from places. -Higher steal/robbery skill give better chances to find items inside container. -Each point of luck give +3% better chances to find something. -You can search twice, because...
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    One universal learning book

    Already i see its possible for skills where you use tools. For example everytime when you use toolkit some (unvisible) variable is increased and when it reach 10 points you get +1% to skill and counter back to 0. But its hard to increase exp that way on using weapons. Back to books; they...
  12. L

    One universal learning book

    Randomized stuff is good for replayability, especially when stats and skills have real influence to game world, so player will want to play the same game many times using different characters. PS. Books about throwing realy exist! Look this one:
  13. L

    One universal learning book

    1. Book disappear when you read it 2. There is no cap, you can learn to 300% But chances to learn one skill is like 1 to 18 so in fact you must learn 60 books to raise one skill three times. Thats why system is balanced, dont fear to overpower. 3. Karate (unarmed skill) is pure physical...
  14. L

    One universal learning book

    Introduce to idea: I tryed to make possibility to learn every skills from books. Traditional way it require to made 18 books items with script. But i found different better way to do it. Concept: When item contain script, thay are storaged in backpack separately, so i made just misc items...
  15. L

    NPC Generator

    Introduce to idea: Am trying to build big mod which will contain hundreads of NPC. To make it in traditional way it require write hundread scripts and spend on them hundread years of time :D So i found that much better is build just one script which will generate lot NPCs. Ofcourse such scrpt...
  16. L

    Fallout Comic

    Do you will continue this comic? It was inspiring one, ofcourse sometime too much text in one page.
  17. L

    Dust & Blood :F2mod

    Thanx for opinions, about some of them o got similar feelings: npcs should be more unpredictable. Pictures sometime increase atmosphere but also could decrease it, so maybe dont use it or use it not so often (chose only few best pictures) And it should be more RPG elements, now its just boring...
  18. L

    Fallout: Dust and Blood

    I will PM every interested.
  19. L

    Fallout: Dust and Blood

    Am able to relase unoficial demo (but its only for moders) Playable town with some quest locations. Tell me if someone are interested to check it. I want opinion about new NPC system. BTW its my 666 post here.
  20. L

    David Grey's tale - original Fallout based comix

    I like such comics, keep going!