Search results

  1. L

    "Desert Workshop" fixing cars and stuff

    Or something else, brand new location something like big junkyard and folks around with knowledge about repair old stuff. Something to make repair skill more usable: -upgrade weapons or build own new weapons -something about car, build it yourself or find more parts required to run car from...
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    some story

    Just some kind of nightmare, first i walked trough typical graveyard and there was some holes in the ground where was visible big bones and archeologist or scients around wonder with questions. And yeah toxic gas come from holes and some folks get crazy.
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    "Desert Workshop" fixing cars and stuff

    I have idea about mod placed in Den city: -enlarge junkyard -remove smith and option to buy car -build all car yourself using science and repair skill (some big quest with build own car from junk) It could be used script to remove one scenery and place second, so when you got skills then...
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    some story

    I have some cool dream, which could be used to make story for some game or movie. Old medieval graveyard, earthquake uncover bones of some strange beasts. Some scienst start research them, first they think its some kind of dinosaurs. But they was mutated animals by some virus and they look like...
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    yeah its not so easy, first: it must have right angle (i suggest search trough car models instead of real ones), second: paste JPG picture to bmp256 usualy lost colours (i sugest search pictures in GIF format) search google typing "car model gif" you will find some sites like this...
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    Hardened Highway

    check this site, many car models probably inspired by mad max movie
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    "Desert Workshop" fixing cars and stuff

    LINK: DESERT WORKSHOP I made several new cars, they can be used to make new scenery of even driving car. Download pictures in format BMP256, they can be convert to FRMs. Tell me which is your favourite or what is car of your imaginations and i will try to make it (there is hundread possible...
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    I made project site and some new designs.
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    LINK: "Desert Workshop" Its my attempt to build new car. They have different details like long/short parts or add-ons like gun, how many windows, doors visible or not. Visit "Workshop Desert" and tell me which configuration you most like or what it should have. You can download from there...
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    Vector Fallout cover

    with some noise it look more realistic
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    Vector Fallout cover

    I cant live without dust!
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    Hardened Highway

    great inspiration to make such one into game!
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    Fallout pen and paper - cover art

    high resolution cover art from Fallout pen and paper d20 guide
  14. L

    Possible ways of F2 modding

    ok it was not clever, better think twice before do anything or waste time Two major ways of moding: 1. Quick and stupid Nobody wants play mod which seem to be worst from original game, so do anything but quick its wrong way 2. Ambitious but slowly Build ambitious project is risky, because...
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    Possible ways of F2 modding

    I think about it long and it seem to be best idea for mod because in this concept every mod inventions may work together. Player will start in area which look like something betwen marketplace and junkyard. Better stuff to buy will be available depend on your experience (or money amount) so in...
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    Possible ways of F2 modding

    Bartertown was mostly invented to put everything new into one location, so you dont need search it trough game. That kind of market should be prior area of mod. Place where you take new quests, guns and other stuff, everything new in game meet here. So here may be taxi driver which shown you new...
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    Possible ways of F2 modding

    I just believe in non-stereotype inventions, here is few ideas about how change F2 game: 1. alternate prior quest It require also alternate location begining. Before game start you select in dialog window who you wany to be and what you want to do. Already i tryed it and have somewhere small...
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    These drawings [fan art]

    Because you have own style, and thats what i like in your drawning!
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    Deathclaw render

    Its great, only mistake is all covered by skin (i sugest different textures for many different parts like hornes)
  20. L

    mainmenu modification

    Its just weird concept, i like it but ofcourse it have some absurds: intense light near eyes make blind effect (dont see anything in darkness) so it fit more to robot, but why robot wear gasmask? :D