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  1. fred2

    Bethesda planning to revisit Skyrim paid mods after Fallout 4's launch.

    A good explanation of why I think that this won't effect free mods, which are mostly built through community effort and support. Initially some might try to earn a buck, but I am betting that most of those will not be able to lift off or loose support and surpassed by other free project with...
  2. fred2

    Bethesda planning to revisit Skyrim paid mods after Fallout 4's launch.

    They can't take away something you never had. And yes, they are giving a legal means for modders to make a profit. Which doesn't impact those who wish to continue to make free mods, who keep getting better tools\support. Modders are allowed to make modifications, within limits e.g. if you try...
  3. fred2

    Bethesda planning to revisit Skyrim paid mods after Fallout 4's launch.

    I understand that you are unhappy with majority of developers choosing steam as their sole digital distributor, but it not really the topic. Also steam support for mods shows that they offers something more than just activating games. I thought it went without saying that Bethesda want to...
  4. fred2

    Skills in Fallout 4: What We Know

    I'd prefer to use Obsidian's Alpha protocol as an example, because despite of its generally clunky gameplay it did show that the way to make a dialogue wheel work i.e. put substance behind it.
  5. fred2

    Bethesda planning to revisit Skyrim paid mods after Fallout 4's launch.

    Commie bastard, are you saying that I am on the wrong side of this cold war?!
  6. fred2

    A Site for Fallout Fans afraid of the old games!

    Today, I visited Beth forum for the first in years, and I noticed that at the bottom there is a link to ... very appropriate ;)
  7. fred2

    Bethesda planning to revisit Skyrim paid mods after Fallout 4's launch.

    I am afraid I don't follow, can you further explain your point. Couple of notes: 1. Yes Fallout 4 and mods for it, will be available on Steam\PS3\Xbox, are you arguing against their choice of platform in general, or something specific to this ? 2. Yes the IP holder takes Royalties for each...
  8. fred2

    Bethesda planning to revisit Skyrim paid mods after Fallout 4's launch.

    *sighs* You probably heard of George R. R. Martin who wrote the 'A Song of Ice and Fire' series, or at least of the popular HBO tv-show 'Game of Thrones' that is based on his work. FYI his work spun a host of other products from rpg\board\card\video games to art\map collections and T-shirt, for...
  9. fred2

    Bethesda planning to revisit Skyrim paid mods after Fallout 4's launch.

    I repeat, you don't understand how it works.
  10. fred2

    What is it with people and the immortal dog?

    Speaking of random attacks, I understand that there is some new mechanic at play (radiant story?), is it noticeable in anyway?
  11. fred2

    Bethesda planning to revisit Skyrim paid mods after Fallout 4's launch.

    @Walpknut, I shall assume that you didn't read or understand my previous post. You certainly failed to answer my question (which was intentionally phrased in general terms) and don't seem to grasp on how IP work.
  12. fred2

    Fallout 4: Does anyone else find the pre-war opening contrived?

    An "Orphan" aka Conveniently has no ties to the past, is a conjuncture on my part, based on the fact that only your mother is mentioned and neither of the parents(/friends/lovers) are in the picture to set you off on your journey. The rest is from the One Also I...
  13. fred2

    Fallout 4 coming out on November 10, free mobile spin-off out now

    Ironically, the reason for this is that we have too many choices in our ever growing game library. Going by some stats I seen, it is easy to conclude that the vast majority of gamers prefer to play another game for a different experience than replay the same one for tiny little content twist...
  14. fred2

    Bethesda planning to revisit Skyrim paid mods after Fallout 4's launch.

    @Walpknut. How is charging a fee from those who wish to profit from your IP for example with T-Shirts, Spin-off games\fiction different from those who wish to profit with mods? BTW, You can still make mods for free (like people has been doing here for a long time) for the community and with...
  15. fred2

    What is it with people and the immortal dog?

    Most cRPGs were iso (a better preservative for tactical play and party management) and turn-based (which offers more control).
  16. fred2

    Fallout 4: Does anyone else find the pre-war opening contrived?

    And that is fine, I am not saying that it was great, only that fallout 2 provided far less reasons to care about the mission.(this was used to contrast the OP populism) Btw, I bet that the reason why so many of us remember FO2 fondly is because it used the teenage fantasy trope: orphan, trained...
  17. fred2

    What is it with people and the immortal dog?

    If you understand that the game was built with a certain target audience in mind, then you should understand that there is nothing to "fix" with this mechanic, its not a bug. And you should be happy that modding tools are provided to improve that aspect of the game to your liking. More...
  18. fred2

    Bethesda planning to revisit Skyrim paid mods after Fallout 4's launch.

    I think its good that Beth allow modders to be compensated for their time\work, which might draw some people to create quality content.
  19. fred2

    So sick of all the old timey music in Fallout games

    Like the "pre-war" sequences, the use of 'old timely' songs in fallout 3 is intentional, its goal is to constantly evoke a time and place that are gone forever. Thematically speaking they try to evoke that nostalgia to a world that was "lost in the Cold War", by using music from prior by gone...
  20. fred2

    Fallout 4: Does anyone else find the pre-war opening contrived?

    That the point, you don't know why he left. You are removed from the only place you have ever known, your father is the only person you know, and who hold answers. Most people will seek that anchor. In comparison in FO2 there is FAR less compelling reason to care about your backward tribal...