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  1. fred2


    Can anyone recommend good lyrics app's for the PC or phone, preferably one that store them to work offline. A long while back I had some app for (winamp?) that embedded lyrics in mp3 so they worked with most apps (except WMP), then I had evilyrics that download and allowed to play lyrics...
  2. fred2

    Genre Orphans: Alpha Protocol

    @TorontRayne, In your rage against the machine, you missed the point completely. Knowing your target audience and understand what it cares about is one of the basics of game design. As you said 'Obsidian is consistently underrated by mainstream' hence my suggestion that they aren't delivering...
  3. fred2

    Opinions on Fallout 4?

    I think that the radio was a great design choices for such game. It can be used as an interactive way to show that your actions actually impacted the world, give vital information to the player and lead them on quests, and yes pass the time as you wade through all the stuff that populate an open...
  4. fred2

    Opinions on Fallout 4?

    Retro futurism usually involve the assumption that social values will be the same in the future, being able to contrast those with our own is part of its charm. But if fallout went past the 50's as you suggest, then why do we have all those pinup girls, or individuals with 50s mind set in the...
  5. fred2

    Genre Orphans: Alpha Protocol

    hmm.. maybe 'proficiency with RPG mechanics and dialog/plot' isn't the most thought out quality by mainstream gamers? Bullshit. They knew the time frame and requirements, and they choose to take that project and decided its scope. The time they had was sufficient to polish (not build) FO3...
  6. fred2

    Kotaku profiles No Mutants Allowed and hating Fallout 3

    We usually think that that our golden years games are nothing but hits, but lets be honest with exception of few games like FO that aged well (especially if modded) most didn't. And without the nostalgia googles they provide tooth grinding interface and subpar gameplay (like most strategy...
  7. fred2

    Genre Orphans: Alpha Protocol

    This remind me the popular trope about a kid who has a looooooooooot of potential, but there is always something *insert excuses here* that prevent him to actually amount to anything .. Don't get me wrong I love Obsidian game, they are one of the few large devs who cater to our needs, but I...
  8. fred2

    "Fallout: Shattered Destiny 2" announcement

    We will be waiting ;)
  9. fred2

    Genre Orphans: Alpha Protocol

    Indeed. Unfortunately Obsidian are at their best when applying polish and better writing to someone else work.
  10. fred2

    Opinions on Fallout 4?

    Same here, I am so tired of Open world games... I'd would rather have something like DeusEx or Dishonored ( also under wing of Bethesda). Indeed. Btw, I really enjoyed Dishonored. It has distinctive style, great atmosphere and level design, while ostensibly its what some call a "corridor...
  11. fred2

    Kotaku profiles No Mutants Allowed and hating Fallout 3

    Why would you put TorontRayne with Welpnut together?! And just because I wish that some people would figure out the fine art of ..doesn't mean I disagree with them, however, I do try to point out certain facts when people going on a bandwagon ride.
  12. fred2

    Opinions on Fallout 4?

    Initially you argued that FO4 intro backstory limits your control over your character, and thus is contrary to the idea of freedom in RPGs. I am familiar with sentiment toward playing blank slate characters, but having a past doesn't limit your freedom to interpret and develop your character as...
  13. fred2

    Kotaku profiles No Mutants Allowed and hating Fallout 3

    Expecting a lot of reading in AAA game is like arguing that Michael Bay movies have too much special effects explosion and not enough philosophical discussions ;)
  14. fred2

    Fallout 4 coming out on November 10, free mobile spin-off out now

    It is possible that my info is outdated. But implementation is pretty simple (and gimmicky, to be honest). There are no need for "different opening sequence", its usually involve flavor info in conversations (choices you made concerning factions that will re-appear) or the character you played...
  15. fred2

    Fallout 4 coming out on November 10, free mobile spin-off out now

    I think that we already knew that forth installment takes place after the events of the third, when they said that some decision would keep in effect if you use your character from 3. "It’s important to us to let you experience that world, so that when you emerge from the vault you feel the...
  16. fred2

    Fallout of Nevada

    Ohhh LP as in Lets Play... while I thought it was something related to the translation effort discussed above.. well good luck with your run, I hope have fun :) I am not familiar with FAR, but for my meager needs Notepad++ provide everything I need. You should be able to drop all the files into...
  17. fred2

    Fallout of Nevada

    You can easily fool the script, usually all you need is to make at non viable link by separate the http (or sometimes the www or .com part) It won't be recognized as a link, but we can easily assemble and use it.
  18. fred2

    Any town maps?

    Going by the maintenance section, some of the Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 location articles could use a little more attention. To bad that most new fans prefer the more social oriented wikia, while the few older fans around don't have time or care to lend a hand :(
  19. fred2

    Kotaku profiles No Mutants Allowed and hating Fallout 3

    yeah.. and Interplay shouldn't have gone bankrupt, but who knows maybe someday the IP will return to its rightful place. I love critical interviews, but keep in mind that angry, self-righteous activist tend to end up on the sidelines, ignored and re-posting things. Also it is possible to be...
  20. fred2

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Been playing Prison Architect, it is a classic in the making! you can still play older games and most new 2d games.