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  1. fred2

    Fallout 4 coming out on November 10, free mobile spin-off out now

    Indeed, the layered armor system is used for the PA as well and the suit condition is important enough that they choose to add HUD indicator for it. I'd love if I could keep my old PA pile of junk together with just duct tape, but I don't know if or to what extent maintainess will play a role in...
  2. fred2

    Kotaku profiles No Mutants Allowed and hating Fallout 3

    I am not going to bother to read the article, but I it is nice that the community got some exposure, and judging by the comments here a positive one.
  3. fred2

    Fallout 4 coming out on November 10, free mobile spin-off out now

    Nice art work! EDIT: *Looks at the last few posts* - I can't believe it, been away for a few days and its like nothing has changed, BS never changes...
  4. fred2

    NMA's General Consensus Debates

    You need to ask yourself why are you here. The last "fallout" came almost two decades ago, and the "new" reality is that Beth own the IP and it taken it in a different direction.. meanwhile you have been coming here for that "garbage", willingly. As for the rest, I am sure you now all about...
  5. fred2

    Skills in Fallout 4: What We Know

    Very well said. I on the otherhand was a bit of an asshole, disguising that answer before asking the question. (For my defense, I was annoyed by the mandatory 'dumbing down' comment) Here is my problem "I feel" is an opinion, and think that many people make their opinion based on nostalgia and...
  6. fred2

    Fallout 4 Story Conjectures

    Indeed, we didn't see what happened after the shockwave hit or know how we came to be the sole survivor. * I assume that we either fell into the elevator shaft or were sheltered by the Power Armored guy who stood on the platform. * likely only few of the 1000 inhabitants were able to reach the...
  7. fred2

    Fallout 4 coming out on November 10, free mobile spin-off out now

    After the issue with FO3 ending (and ME3 endings) I was expecting more verity here, especially after they noted that more focus was given to branching paths. Heathens shall be flogged in vault messhell, untill they convert to the one and true god and savior Christ Avellon.
  8. fred2

    NMA's General Consensus Debates

    So.. the captcha was too hard for them to crack? because I don't see many of those here.. In fact I see far more fans of the originals who are incapable of coming to terms with new reality and rant about kids.. Taste imply choice, of which we have non of. Neither its an "OR scenario", you can...
  9. fred2

    Opinions on Fallout 4?

    Lets start off with little background: Planescape Torment, considered to be one of the best cRPGs, where the character has an extensive predefined background. While alpha protocol --another RPG title Chris avellon, obsidian, worked on-- has several predefined backgrounds (e.g. in one of them you...
  10. fred2

    Fallout 4 Story Conjectures

    If they will follow the same progression, then in FO4 we will see much more emphasis on rebuilding society (as oppose to scrabbling to survive as in FO1/FO3) as such they would need a host of factions with different need and ideologies for us to navigate through... and the Institute is obvious...
  11. fred2

    Opinions on Fallout 4?

    Fallout 4 isn't out yet... However, the E3 presentation was awesome, it looks like FO4 will be a much better Action-RPG then FO3 was. There are few points of concern, and I am pretty sure that each of them has its own thread here. A while back I read an interview with Chris avellone...
  12. fred2

    Skills in Fallout 4: What We Know

    That argument essentially boils down to "a 100 point system is more flexible then 10 point system", following that logic a "1000 point system will be more flexible then 100 point system", so why aren't we using a larger scale with 0.1% skill increments? -- Because its not the size, but how you...
  13. fred2

    Fallout 4 Story Conjectures

    I previously speculated that Beth reboot follows a similar progression to that of the originals. So I think that FO4 will bring about the rise of the Colombian commonwealth (think Shady sands and New California Republic). I love that idea, it is the first time that we get to play someone from...
  14. fred2

    Fallout of Nevada

    Previous posters said they manged to get adequate results with google translate, but as far as i know no one has got the ball rolling on an English translation, yet...
  15. fred2

    Skills in Fallout 4: What We Know

    Well I always thought that USA five-point latter grade system was silly compared to our 0-100, and don't get me started about their date format and... well I digress. Please do tell why replacing the FO3\FO:NV skill system scale of 1-100 with 1-10 will for example, will "dumb down" the...
  16. fred2

    NMA's General Consensus Debates

    We could all use a little dopamine fix, unfortunately some will only ever get that by dreaming about it.
  17. fred2

    Skills in Fallout 4: What We Know

    The problem is that there is no new info, so unless someone takes the challenge and try to figure out a way in which this can be a good thing, the only thing left is rant about RPGs-aRPGs progression into mainstream (e.g. Morrowind->Oblivion->Skyrim) :yuck: Luckily FO4 is coming soon so...
  18. fred2

    Bethesda's Fallout 4: Continuity Breaker

    I suppose that you returned the favor with this out of context reply ;) I assume that you were replying to SMBcomics 99% unrelated comment.. Meanwhile I was commenting about very few and vocal negative Nellie's, who sound like insecure schoolboys --like those who just discovered rock music for...
  19. fred2

    NMA's General Consensus Debates

    1. Not every new username is a new user, people lose account info all the time.. 2. Beaten to death is a matter of prospective. Discussion is how every new generation flesh out its understanding. 3. Like in RL gaining understanding of some injustice means nothing. Some people understand and move...
  20. fred2

    Skills in Fallout 4: What We Know

    Pretty much, however, I was trying to find a different comparison, preferably a visual one, that wouldn't result in an immediate gag reflex among the more single minded NMAers. Are you suggesting that changing the skill system from percentage to points will dumb it down? FYI: wasteland 2...