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  1. fred2

    Fallout 4 coming out on November 10, free mobile spin-off out now

    Maybe you right about retooling, but according the wiki that PA is late-war model, and by that time the North American nations were feeling the weight of the war, so it is possible that they weren't looking for a replacement but an upgrade. Something that don't strain the production\resource...
  2. fred2

    Fallout 4 coming out on November 10, free mobile spin-off out now

    It takes time and resources, and can be very inefficient until you gain experience.. Also judging from what we seen, the new armor appear to be more modular and sturdy, and equipped with a jet pack. It would be more useful to small rapid response air units, than the 51 that is used by regular...
  3. fred2

    Fallout 4 coming out on November 10, free mobile spin-off out now

    To utilize existing production lines ?
  4. fred2

    Fallout 4 coming out on November 10, free mobile spin-off out now

    MATN video? Personally, I am don't have a problem with a "skill chart", in fact I think utilizing "perks" would be an improvement as far as combat skills, however, I am very cautious about the non-combat skills and how they will be utilized. Usually aRPGs tend to be light on the later...
  5. fred2

    Thread idea: explain something Fallout 3 didn't (fanon)

    Though, its not a FO3 issue, it doesn't matter how strange fruits are, finding them laying around in the waste is silly.. Same goes for pre-war packaged food, cheesy puffs even most basic blend pasta would go bad after decades in the waste.. If anything FO3\FO:NV is a bit more realistic, since...
  6. fred2

    Bethesda E3 Showcase Tonight, Stream Links

    Any chance you are a commie :wiggle:
  7. fred2

    Bethesda E3 Showcase Tonight, Stream Links

    Again you guys just dirt slinging... quick google suggests its a skyrim mod and it has 12 marriages.. I bet that most people here will get a kneejerk reaction at the thought (especially in today politically correct environment) and would be frothing at the mouth against it (starting with...
  8. fred2

    Fallout 4 coming out on November 10, free mobile spin-off out now

    That is actually realistic (think a long the lines of shell shock). Assuming he just got out of cryo and off meds, as well as thrown into a completely "alien" world, you'd also be disoriented and suffer from severe dissonance as you would down memory lane...
  9. fred2

    Fallout 4 coming out on November 10, free mobile spin-off out now

    @Willy Rogers, *googling damn skill charts* If I understand correct, a skill chart is basically a visual representation of your character progression options. Since you can draw a chart for most cRPGs (although not as exciting with its level 1\2\low\high) what really matters what under the...
  10. fred2

    Bethesda E3 Showcase Tonight, Stream Links

    I don't see any room for comparison. Any kid can make higher-res texture mod for high end rigs (and modders usually disregard poly count), but higher textures is just a paint job that give the illusion of details, while FO4 environments have been designed with far more details, and once released...
  11. fred2

    Bethesda E3 Showcase Tonight, Stream Links

    Like I said, high-texture mods follow on the heels of any release like mushrooms after the rain.. who knows maybe all those kids and you know something that Beth designers don't, or may be not. Anyway I do love how Beth trailer seem down to earth without PR polish that many other...
  12. fred2

    Bethesda E3 Showcase Tonight, Stream Links

    I suspect that as usual you exaggerate much.. Edit: No, it is not. (perception>3) Also speaking of gimmicks, in my experience any fool can load up Higher res textures, every release they popup like mushrooms after the rain... it takes far more to populate the world with extra detail, and...
  13. fred2

    Fallout 4 coming out on November 10, free mobile spin-off out now

    If you like strategy games, you might have heard of 'Total War' its a very accessible AAA franchise. Even though I love grand strategy games that the average fan of total war might call anal, I still buy its games and enjoy them (modded) for what they offer. What I am trying to say is you...
  14. fred2

    Fallout 4 coming out on November 10, free mobile spin-off out now

    You obviously never meet macgyver, this guy could make far more with far less... Also I agree with @WorstUsernameEver, there no witchery here, its a common system to most survival game out there. Beth variant just int' too bent over realism, and appears to be very well executed on the...
  15. fred2

    Fallout 4 coming out on November 10, free mobile spin-off out now

    I certainly like the looks and details in those locations from the OP:
  16. fred2

    Fallout 4 coming out on November 10, free mobile spin-off out now

    From the looks of it skills aren't necessarily out. Here we can see Barter and science: We can see science required lvl2, so it mostly likely have somehing like wasteland 2 bars. And either the skills UI isn't ready for presentation atm, or it has been merged with perks UI.
  17. fred2

    Fallout 4 coming out on November 10, free mobile spin-off out now

    I didn't see them loosing limbs, but there is a layered armor system (and when inside of the power armor there is a status indicator for each part shown in the lower left corner) it is possible that once a piece of armor breaks it is discarded.
  18. fred2

    Fallout 4 coming out on November 10, free mobile spin-off out now

    It has to be said, the concept art is amazing !