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  1. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    delete thread

    delete thread
  2. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    cal art style is usually referred to a specific contemporary artstyleof specific features such...

    cal art style is usually referred to a specific contemporary artstyleof specific features such as bean mouths and noodle limbs. IDK about vasquez.
  3. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    So why can't Fallout have tank gangs in it?

    In Fallout, there are loads of things like pre war tanks in it. I would love a Fallout in a better engine where the player could see things like gangs that took tanks in bases. Or if we could see things like motorcycle gangs roaming the countryside.
  4. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    So why do games have to be political?

    tbh i can't believe people are taking this shitpost i made earlier this seriously. it was a gamingcirclejerk esqe post towards people who think the legion are morally grey which I see a lot on youtube comments. House is just your average ancap. Caesar is like a combo of mussolini and pol pot
  5. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    Unpopular Opinion and Discussion thread

    At which point is the line for function of the state/ to where individual cultural identities are allowed to raise issues about their communities?
  6. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    Unpopular Opinion and Discussion thread

    lol look at me infighting at you like this, sam (or his fanbase at least) really is subversive.
  7. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    Unpopular Opinion and Discussion thread

    leftist minority groups: "We want our identities to be respected, and our issues to be acknowledged" fascists: "off to auschwitz you go! You know, we're the cultural majority asserting our influence to crush everyone else, isn't that SO radical?"
  8. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    Unpopular Opinion and Discussion thread

    sam hyde's fanbase is filled with cowards.
  9. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    Unpopular Opinion and Discussion thread

    tbh marlyin manson was just a ripoff of skinny puppy
  10. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    @Walpknut @zegh8578 can you guys give your opinion on retro future bands...

    @Walpknut @zegh8578 can you guys give your opinion on retro future bands?
  11. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    you ever think that pain in naruto and ulysses in FNV are the same character

    you ever think that pain in naruto and ulysses in FNV are the same character
  12. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    Outer World's Obligatory Bad News

    I was not suggesting it did not exist tho
  13. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    Outer World's Obligatory Bad News

    The rhetoric throughout his post makes me smell culture war brainworms. sry
  14. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    Outer World's Obligatory Bad News

    is this a troll account
  15. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    First Time Playthough

    I didn't finish NV the first time I played it because of how huge it is. Try playing it at your own leisure and don't 100% it.
  16. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    There is no such thing as canon

    I have come to the conclusion that there is no such thing as canon. "Canon" is just a spook used by companies to control the creative vision of an IP. You might initially see it as a good thing to have control over the objectively worse parts of your IP, but what happens when a company is only...
  17. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    GG to this day is something I don't think i'll ever fully understand TBH. A shitstorm of epic proportions over literal who's from some indie games.
  18. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    post-post apocalypse is a stupid term tbh, redunant af

    post-post apocalypse is a stupid term tbh, redunant af
  19. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    Cut that website out of your life cause the hate machine isn't going to do anything to improve your worldview or really anything. I got really about a handful of good albums from /mu/ out of my 3 years there and that was about it. You are better off finding a community on another place online or...
  20. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    The bigger question is why you're visiting one of the worst communities that exist on the internet.