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  1. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    video game was "pretentious", I don't even know what that mean anymore. So why should game...

    video game was "pretentious", I don't even know what that mean anymore. So why should game designers be able to make something innovative-
  2. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    Can anybody explain to me why the culture behind games is so reactionary? I watched a video...

    Can anybody explain to me why the culture behind games is so reactionary? I watched a video where the critique in the comments was that the-
  3. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    I've lost my appetite for games

    1: A lot of you guys are getting up there and as you go on in life in this reality, you will notice you have new interests or bigger responsibilities 2: The adorno effect is well and alive throughout western culture based on what I about that philospher so its not just you becoming out of...
  4. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    Space isn't safe from Ads According to Slate and other web sources. It seems that companies are testing out putting ads into the sky. So what do you guys at NMA generally think about this idea in...
  5. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    Fuck Notre Dame. Seriously.

    sundar pichai is a centrist innit? California is not culturally leftist. It's liberal, and that's just the bay area while many other areas are centrist/conservative californians booing...
  6. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    Fuck Notre Dame. Seriously.

    Can u explain how leftists ideologies are corporate?
  7. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    Obsidian Cannot Save Fallout

    The entire industry is kaput. It's not just Bethesda's fault for ruining Fallout but realize that the series would have eventually turned to garbage no matter who or what company was in charge of it. Nintendo, Activision, Valve, EA, Bethesda, etc have all become bad because that's just how the...
  8. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    At what point of self acualization are you at? I think I am between tier yellow and turquoise.
  9. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    Fuck Notre Dame. Seriously.

    I was less thinking about the homeless in specific and more about the lower class generally. In America, across the midwest and south, everyone is poor and there's not really any way to advance past it. Trade school courses cost like $15,000. So no matter how much you try you're kinda fucked...
  10. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    Fuck Notre Dame. Seriously.

    So can you explain why you shill for billlionaires? You saying that poor people deserve what they get and that billionaries do nothing wrong is poison towards a nation.
  11. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    Fuck Notre Dame. Seriously.

    uh wut commies iirc are supposed to be against the way the systems works in specific, so why would they try to control/fuel it? @Walpknut you're the most leftist person on the board explain it.
  12. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    Fuck Notre Dame. Seriously.

    What's your opinions on elon musk and jeff bozos?
  13. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    Fuck Notre Dame. Seriously.

    I agree, a building is more important than people are. The cathedral allows an american like me whose never even heard it before to pretend I have a culture beyond PF changs.
  14. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    I stopped watching that show after season 1 tbh

    I stopped watching that show after season 1 tbh
  15. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    End of Free speech in Europe or just hype?

    You said it yourself, it's not ironic, it's absurd. The joke still heavily relates to either pushing out negative stereotypes or doing shit that's considered taboo. You'll understand when tagged turf near you irl with razor bladed posters is the least racist graffiti...
  16. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    End of Free speech in Europe or just hype?

    You completely dodged the question
  17. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    I read the post you made wrong sorry

    I read the post you made wrong sorry
  18. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    Anyone writes fiction? I got a little philosophical conundrum

    I am writing science fiction that explores the unknown, space, as well as just the feeling of existence. Any kinda authors besides Lovecraft and arthur c clarke for it?
  19. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    End of Free speech in Europe or just hype?

    So what is the joke in specific?