Search results

  1. Lukus

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Your av is cool, Yamu - if only it had some proper colors that would fit in this dark environment. 5/10, after the -2 for being too white. <- Now bask in the glory of the Battle Master avatar.
  2. Lukus

    Evaluate your personality based on the "Fallout"-s

    - Strength - 4 I think I have potential, but I never work out or use the strength skill for anything. In the heat of battle, I think I could get a pretty good strength boost, but I don't think I'd do very well in a carnival strength measuring test. - Perception - 7 "I always know when...
  3. Lukus

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    verwandlung - where's that from? Pretty nice, I like it. 7/10. rcorporon - who's that? Kind of meh. 4/10. The Raging Russian - gaaaay. 3/10. (Seriously, not just because you're gay, but that avatar is also gay in itself. Who is it?) Claude Frollo - Now, that's a good avatar, since it's...
  4. Lukus


    I have only this to add to this topic:
  5. Lukus

    HTML mails?

    Ehehe, awesome - can't get enough of such offers! I wish I could work there, I'm stuck up in west side Vasastan. Thanks for the other tips, will try some more tomorrow.
  6. Lukus

    HTML mails?

    Ehehe, about spamming - it's all business contacts that have agreed to get mail. A lot of them are old of course (old = 3 years mebbe) but at least 1000 are from 2008. We haven't done this type of thing before and I pretty much have to make it happen since I'm the only one who knows a little...
  7. Lukus

    HTML mails?

    Hookay, I'll try it - thanks for the tip! Also, if it's of any relevance, I want to mail around 2000 people, and outlook is kind of limited with distribution lists and such, but I think I've managed to trick it by putting distribution lists into distribution lists, meaning I get one "legal"...
  8. Lukus

    HTML mails?

    So, uh, does anyone know how to send HTML mails? I know html and all, and have this mail I want to send out - using only regular code like bold text, links, and IMG SRC's. I want it to display the HTML straight in the mail. I tried with gmail and outlook to just enter the HTML tags, which...
  9. Lukus

    Getting a dog

    I'm partial to not having a dog at all since I would rather kill myself than be forced to walk a dog thrice a day and pick up the poo and talk with it as if it could understand what I was saying and transform into a dog person that discusses the qualities of different breeds on internet forums -...
  10. Lukus

    Philosophical Questions

    You're using a double negation, but I'm assuming you meant to say that "non parent's couldn't answer this (imo) with any real substance to the argument". How would default yes-saying parents have more substance to their argument? "To hell with the world and everyone who shall exist after me"...
  11. Lukus

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    What's that white stuff on her feet, alec? Fungus? Coconut? Cotton? Ant eggs? I always thought chick avatars were kind of lame, so 4/10. Skynet - your av is a bit fanboyish... for the wrong thing. ;) 4/10. People complain about Bethesda, but imagine if EA had developed Fallout 3. :silly:
  12. Lukus

    What's your MBTI?

    Like Sorrow and MrMumble, I am an INFP. A lot of introverts on this board. :) Introverted (I) 62.16% Extroverted (E) 37.84% Intuitive (N) 61.11% Sensing (S) 38.89% Feeling (F) 59.46% Thinking (T) 40.54% Perceiving (P) 65.63% Judging (J) 34.38% Uh... Yeah. That's me, pretty much...
  13. Lukus

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    3/10, because I can imagine it has tits and a cock in the full image. >.< (the 3 points are for letting me say the word "tits".)
  14. Lukus


    Upon which people started to ask you "Why the short face"?
  15. Lukus

    What's Your Favorite Drink?

    Quoted for truth. Hehe... Seriously, though - Chivas Regal? Quality? Surely, you jest. Thinking Chivas Regal is a top notch whisky is like thinking an elephant is larger than the moon.
  16. Lukus

    Virus - does anyone know what this is?

    Yep, that's the one. Thanks! I think I was using Mozilla Firefox. I tried to follow the steps in the links. Managed to delete admintxt.txt from the C:/WINDOWS folder, but I couldn't find "" - not with a search, and not with checking manually (and showing hidden files). :(
  17. Lukus

    Virus - does anyone know what this is?

    I have some form of virus on my system. I must have. A few days ago, I was talking to a colleague on msn messenger, and towards the end of the conversation, he sends me a message reading "haha :P" followed by a link that looked 'teh funnay' since it ended with my msn email address. I...
  18. Lukus

    Musicians out there ?

    Sup.. Listened to At Night. Had potential, methinks. There's a lot of expression in the vocals, but it's too nasal for my taste, and not properly recorded. Checked out bits of the other songs, and all the music generally sounds a lot like it could fit a cool video game, ehehe, and I think...
  19. Lukus

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    :rofl: Also, for those who missed it; as posted in this thread in The Order - some pictures of the Lukester!
  20. Lukus

    BBC's plans for post-apocalyptic radio messages released

    That's awesome indeed - great find! Hehe... "stopcock".