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  1. Atomic Postman

    Play all Fallout games chronologically! - Join! Continues into 2024

    It's not. The most western point of the map in VB was Hoover Dam. Also I will be joining this thread at some point this year and posting detailed thoughts and breakdowns on each game, looking forward to participating
  2. Atomic Postman

    In a future Bakersfield, an idling television will repeatedly play Sonic 3 amongst a background...

    In a future Bakersfield, an idling television will repeatedly play Sonic 3 amongst a background of nuclear fallout
  3. Atomic Postman

    Fallout 76 – Invaders from Beyond: Aliens are back on March 1

    Not at all. I don't think it's a good game really but the SPECIAL and levelling system are way better than 4's, the handling and selection of weapons, armor and power armor is also leagues better than 4. Similarly the CAMP system is a good reigning in of the settlement system idea which I...
  4. Atomic Postman

    Fallout 76 – Invaders from Beyond: Aliens are back on March 1

    I feel content most of the time that 76 is the best Bethesda Fallout, but now is not one of those times.
  5. Atomic Postman

    Fallout: Van Buren Worldbook (FINISHED - Map and PDF inside)

    Unfortunately my internet died an hour into the Magnum Chasma session (They were mid-battle with a group of the Sons of Hecate, and hadn't even arrived at the Grand Canyon yet) and I had to call a raincheck on the session. However, as I said: 2 for 1. I ran Jessica's prequel session this...
  6. Atomic Postman

    Fallout: Van Buren Worldbook (FINISHED - Map and PDF inside)

    @Hardboiled Android @Dayglow Drifter Today I have a 2 for 1 on prequel sessions before tonight's Magnum Chasma reunion. The first was Clover's session: born on the Oil Rig and later raised in the spartan survival situation of Navarro, clover was an adolescent when Navarro fell to the NCR...
  7. Atomic Postman

    It makes me look forward to GOTG 3 because IMO Gunn has only gotten better with everything he's done

    It makes me look forward to GOTG 3 because IMO Gunn has only gotten better with everything he's done
  8. Atomic Postman

    Are Gen 3 Synths People?

    I still think apeing Blade Runner was a bizarre direction to take Fallout
  9. Atomic Postman

    Why Robert Edwin House is the best hope for the wasteland and humanity

    And also if they do nothing. The only way they live is if the Courier sides with Pacer and incites a street war under false pretenses and the Kings actively harass and beat innocent people. Personally whilst I understand what they were going for in that House ruthlessly protects his...
  10. Atomic Postman

    Why Robert Edwin House is the best hope for the wasteland and humanity

    My only issue with House is his treatment of the Kings.
  11. Atomic Postman

    Peacemaker ended good. Best capeshit show next to Legion. Hope Moon Knight joins its ranks.

    Peacemaker ended good. Best capeshit show next to Legion. Hope Moon Knight joins its ranks.
  12. Atomic Postman

    Fallout 4 Is Better Than You Think

    I think there's some merit to exploring the world of Fallout in a first person perspective but even if you agree with that premise, Fallout 3/NV are awful first person shooters in terms of gameplay. I think the fundamentally biggest problem with Fallout in the first person perspective is it...
  13. Atomic Postman

    Your opinion is worthless

    I can see that. I first played F1/F2 when I was 14 (I joined this site when I first started playing IIRC) and remembered really struggling to get into the game. It's very alien if you've grown up on a diet of post-2007 AAA games. Thing is that if you just read the manual, it becomes crystal...
  14. Atomic Postman

    Your opinion is worthless

    I was born the year after Fallout 2 released. But still, it's a weird argument even then because isometric RPGs are experiencing something of a renaissance right now anyway and even if that weren't the case, dice based mechanics are hardly outdated considering as I said, tabletop is more popular...
  15. Atomic Postman

    Your opinion is worthless

    Tabletop RPGs are quite popular, growing in popularity even. Wdym?
  16. Atomic Postman

    Are Gen 3 Synths People?

    I think the "Suffer not a mutant to live" attitude could apply to the West Coast BoS and Mutants too in that they're the direct products of super-science WMDs gone awry and used irresponsibly for evil, again the core tentpole of BoS ideology. I could see plenty who disagree with it within the...
  17. Atomic Postman

    Are Gen 3 Synths People?

    As I said in my own post I think the "does human = personhood?" thing would make for a very interesting idea to pose in regards to what's effectively a species that exists parallel but is ultimately alien to that of humanity. In that we can't truly understand what it's like to think like them in...
  18. Atomic Postman

    Are Gen 3 Synths People?

    I think ultimately regardless of whether the Synths are considered human or not, or even people, I actually think the F4 Brotherhood are kind of right to exterminate them. In-game their reasons amongst the ranks and even leadership are kind of luddite-ish but I think there's a good argument to...
  19. Atomic Postman

    Peacemaker is indeed good. I hope dearly with my heart Moon Knight manages to be the diamond in...

    Peacemaker is indeed good. I hope dearly with my heart Moon Knight manages to be the diamond in the rough on Marvel shows