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  1. Atomic Postman

    Who is Muggy and why is everyone disgusted by him?

    I'm the King of NMA so yes. Dispose of Discord drama or be exterminated as a pest.
  2. Atomic Postman

    Who is Muggy and why is everyone disgusted by him?

    This is very true but Discord drama from people who don't post here is also not ideal my duder.
  3. Atomic Postman

    Something I thought would of been cool in Fallout New Vegas

    I sort of understand why they didn't do this, as to the average player it would certainly raise eyebrows. Sometimes how things come across in gameplay trump raw lore.Lore wise though it would make sense, and would be a good way of showing class disparity within NCR in a really (perhaps too?)...
  4. Atomic Postman

    Who is Muggy and why is everyone disgusted by him?

    Literally just want people to talk about the actual games
  5. Atomic Postman

    Who is Muggy and why is everyone disgusted by him?

    Clue might be in the events occurring. I don't have a problem with you, what I do have a snake in my boot about is people from discord who don't post here, historically haven't posted here, deciding to spill their drama from their totally irrelevant chatroom and then even worse acting like...
  6. Atomic Postman

    Who is Muggy and why is everyone disgusted by him?

    I'm not entirely sure what I'm supposed to be salty about in this situation
  7. Atomic Postman

    Have you got tinnitus?

    Have you got tinnitus?
  8. Atomic Postman

    Who is Muggy and why is everyone disgusted by him?

    God I wish I wasn't part of a forum for a dead series and instead part of a discord with actual scum who spread their retard drama onto places it's not wanted like the complete and total faggotrons they are
  9. Atomic Postman

    Westside Reputation mod on the Nexus an underrated one. Goes a long way to making it feel more...

    Westside Reputation mod on the Nexus an underrated one. Goes a long way to making it feel more part of Vegas.
  10. Atomic Postman

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    Making wasteland style football armor for my tribal Vault Dweller Halloween costume Well, I say Vault Dweller. If the jumpsuit looks lame as shit I'm going to use my acrylic paints to Great Khanify my denim jacket.
  11. Atomic Postman

    Fallout: Van Buren Worldbook (FINISHED - Map and PDF inside)

    That is always true but the path of least resistance was always bum rushing the lab and activating the droids. Now they'll have to face them manually and in a party that is composed of all Small Guns and Melee it's not an easy task.
  12. Atomic Postman

    Fallout: Van Buren Worldbook (FINISHED - Map and PDF inside)

    The Gehennas and Molechs are coming en masse, I'm not sure if it would work for the Sheol Pool itself to ascend but it's certainly an idea. But yes it is the plan that they'll turn up right as Phil's Crew and the Tar Walkers battle it out
  13. Atomic Postman

    Fallout: Van Buren Worldbook (FINISHED - Map and PDF inside)

    Today the party went to Burham Springs. They arrived and met with Phil's Crew. They accepted the mine job but almost immediately discovered the tied up New Canaanite in their closet, leading to a stand off. They talked things out however and agreed to the job. Upon learning of the Sheol's...
  14. Atomic Postman

    Project Mojave

    I too was disappointed by the scale. The New Vegas Strip being of the same size and scale but with a side-grade of F4 assets seems like it misses the point.
  15. Atomic Postman

    Project Mojave

    It uh, barely looks better than New Vegas.
  16. Atomic Postman

    Mayyyyybeeeee you'll think of meeeeee - Happy October 23rd, NMA.

    Mayyyyybeeeee you'll think of meeeeee - Happy October 23rd, NMA.
  17. Atomic Postman

    I took magnesium for three months and it didn't help my tinnitus fuck these vitamins my dude

    I took magnesium for three months and it didn't help my tinnitus fuck these vitamins my dude
  18. Atomic Postman

    Official NMA General Shitposting Thread

    Being married: Pros: sex hehehehehe Cons: have to share the Chief mug with the wife
  19. Atomic Postman

    Nice one duder

    Nice one duder