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  1. Brivoo

    Black Lives Matter

    As of right now, basically any side of the American political spectrum is balls-out insane.
  2. Brivoo

    Hey guys! We got mentioned in a Nuka World review!

    DC was the only place worth exploring, much like Boston is the only interesting part of 4. I was invested, somewhat, but I wasn't the actual protagonist of Fallout 3. James was the protagonist, and then Sarah. I was just the dimwit that did their errands for them.
  3. Brivoo

    Hey guys! We got mentioned in a Nuka World review!

    "Remember when we forced you to join The BoS? Well, now you can fucking blast them to hell with an orbital cannon!" "... But why would I?" "GOD, YOU'RE JUST NEVER SATISFIED, ARE YOU?" I enjoyed Fallout 3 more than 4. I know "atmosphere" is a nonargument a lot of people make to defend it, but...
  4. Brivoo

    Ulysses is kind of a moron...

    I'd rate it higher than Honest Hearts, if only because I found that it felt more like an intermission rather than part of the larger arc. It was still good, but it was just kind of there. I did love all the new crafting recipes, though, since I was using a character with high Survival. I...
  5. Brivoo

    Hey guys! We got mentioned in a Nuka World review!

    I know, but I just enjoy Fallout 3 and 4 a lot more if I keep them mentally separate from the original franchise and New Vegas. I'm aware it's a fallacy, but I'd rather enjoy myself with a game I only consider dumb rather than torture myself with one I consider abysmal.
  6. Brivoo

    Ulysses is kind of a moron...

    Ulysses is a fantasy character thrown into a sci-fi setting. I don't blame Avellone; he loves that kind of character, he just suffers from being in the wrong world-type, is all. If it had been more than the one character, Lonesome Road would have suffered immensely; but since it's just the...
  7. Brivoo

    Hey guys! We got mentioned in a Nuka World review!

    The thing about Bethesda hate here is that it's been going on for so long, a lot of users get lost in the hyperbole. They'll declare Bethesda the final harbinger of the end days so many times that their exaggerations outnumber their level-headed arguments, and new or prospective users get the...
  8. Brivoo

    Black Lives Matter

    As an outsider, all I know is that there's a lot of police murdering people in America for seemingly inane or even no reasons; these people also tend to be of a specific group and ethnicity. I can understand the message behind "Black Lives Matter" and why "All Lives Matter" can be considered...
  9. Brivoo

    Who else here LIKED Fallout 4?

    I suppose, but even then it isn't entirely fair. You can compare narratives, yes, but neither the Odyssey nor The Quixote had to deal with game mechanics. Saying has more merit than the other (or indeed, that they have equal merit) is completely irrational without giving them a proper context...
  10. Brivoo

    Who else here LIKED Fallout 4?

    Defending them as art is fine, judging them as if they were comparable is moronic. Apart from being entirely different mediums with entirely different intended audiences, Fallout 4 and the Odyssey were written roughly 3000 years apart. Implying that they should be compared is like saying that...
  11. Brivoo

    PS4 mod support update

    I don't think Sony cares enough about the issue. They're not the kind of company that's sue-happy (like, say, trying to copyright the word 'scrolls') and if we're going by reputation then Bethesda's isn't exactly famous for its sincerity. Considering the nature of the situation, however, it's...
  12. Brivoo

    Is Fallout: New Vegas a worthy Fallout game?

    They can fuck off for all I care. There's a reason people don't tend to make sequels to ten-year-old games using an entirely different genre of gameplay. Imagine if Crash Bandicoot was given a Grand Strategy sequel; it would be ridiculous. Anyway, yeah, it's a worthy Fallout game. I find...
  13. Brivoo

    PS4 mod support update

    If you're going to give Bethesda the benefit of the doubt, then at least have the decency to extend the same courtesy to Sony. The only thing we know so far is that Bethesda's released a statement and Sony hasn't. Both companies will have their own best interests in mind, but the significant...
  14. Brivoo

    Could the Transistor be invented in the Fallout Universe?

    Time travel isn't necessarily stupid in itself, nor are 'coma theories', as you describe them; it's just that you'd be hard pressed to find any story that uses them in an interesting manner. The problem is that, depending on how it works, time travel either creates a huge number of plot holes...
  15. Brivoo

    the Master: was he evil?

    To state the obvious, evil is subjective. An uprising, for example, can be remembered as either terrorism or revolution, depending on the victor. The Master is interesting to me because he is a point of cultural divisiveness in the communities of Fallout's post-apocalypse, remembered and...
  16. Brivoo

    Nuka Rant

    For all its incredible geneticists, chemists, nuclear physicists and more, Nuka World sure does have some terrible programmers. I mean, the reason we're given as to why the robots are hostile is because they were originally using "a modified version of their combat AI", which strikes me as...
  17. Brivoo

    Nuka Rant

    The gatorclaws are... weird. I don't know how to feel about them, but it's certainly something negative. At first, I thought they were incredibly lazy reskins, and the more I looked the worse it got. They act exactly the same as a regular deathclaw, roars and all, and on closer inspection...
  18. Brivoo

    Nuka Rant

    Yeah, but we've gone over that point several times over. I don't really want to defend it in any way, but I'd rather not repeat something ad nauseam. I thought the Star Core unmarked quest was neat. I had to actually look for the things and garnered the reward and context for it from the...