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  1. Yossarrion

    Going to throw car batteries in the ocean to charge the electric eels.

    Going to throw car batteries in the ocean to charge the electric eels.
  2. Yossarrion

    Fallout: Year Zero advice - Critical Hits and Armor

    I don't follow on crits. You need 6s to succeed at anything, but if I roll 3+ 6s on a 10mm I crit? What do crits do? Most d6 pool systems usually have rolls of 4+ being success and 6+ being critical successes. Whats the average amount of dice a 10mm pistol rolls? Armor sounds like it wouldn't...
  3. Yossarrion

    So if Caesar had won, what would happen next?

    Captain Curtis in the NCR is an officer in the NCR and had joined before they even encountered Caesars Legion. Karl was just a shitty example because they didn't put much effort into exposing him.
  4. Yossarrion

    Regarding Assaultrons

    The FO4 sentry is awesome. I was happy to get the model in FWW and to this day it remains a staple to terrify my players lol. While they look nothing like mirelurks I love the kings. Awesome critters in my eyes. Pax talks about these critters so much I've begun to make memes of them.
  5. Yossarrion

    So if Caesar had won, what would happen next?

    I think a number of things happens that keeps Caesar in Nevada. I also assume the courier was an NCR/House type character canonically and died at Hoover dam. I think he wouldn't push into California without it being prepped to be destabilized. I can definitely see frumentarii infiltrating the...
  6. Yossarrion

    Regarding Assaultrons

    I feel the same way about that. I also happen to be someone who likes assaultrons, but what do you think of the sentry bot redesign from the classics to 3d
  7. Yossarrion

    Regarding Assaultrons

    Apparently in 76 theres a fuckable assaultron. food for thought
  8. Yossarrion

    Anyone here remember G4TechTv's "Cinematech" (2002-2008)?

    I vividly remember the wow episode of cheat lol. Grand times, I watched x play, cheat, attack of the show and cinematech.
  9. Yossarrion

    Regarding Assaultrons

    Assaultrons walked so atomic hearts twins could run
  10. Yossarrion

    Anyone here remember G4TechTv's "Cinematech" (2002-2008)?

    I remember cinematech. They used to show the old illegal danish wow movie zin wrath throughout an entire episode. That got me into wow where I met my wife lol
  11. Yossarrion

    Fallout 3 - a lot deeper world building?

    Read your post, agree about mood and vibe. Wish Enclave and BOS were more in depth (Outcasts). 3 would benefit immensely from a NV style story with different factions (Enclave, both flavors of BOS) and letting it play out from there. Seeing how the Capitol Wastes deals with the Enclave style of...
  12. Yossarrion

    A world(Fallout 1/2) with no BoS

    Maybe. Mariposa was filled with malfunctioning robots and hordes of mutants. They may not have survived.
  13. Yossarrion

    A world(Fallout 1/2) with no BoS

    I'm gonna go with Maxson not existing since he was the main figurehead for it all. If we consider 76 (lol) he recruits the East Coast military holdouts into the Brotherhood as well. Without him I imagine there would never be an organization. Do they? I always just go to Matt when I hit San...
  14. Yossarrion

    A world(Fallout 1/2) with no BoS

    I just assume if the brotherhood didn't exist then they wouldn't have fragged the scientists at Mariposa, or fled later to bunkers. Meaning (to me) when the Master took over Mariposa all those suits of power armor would be stuck there. Without the brotherhood there is no Vree to tell you about...
  15. Yossarrion

    A world(Fallout 1/2) with no BoS

    How would the games have played out with no Brotherhhood? Would the Vault Dweller have defeated the Master without the paladins and power armor? Would the Chosen One have figured out how to get to Navarro without them?
  16. Yossarrion

    Ten Reasons Why Fallout 4 is worse than Fallout 3

    Sounds like what you're doing champ.
  17. Yossarrion

    Ten Reasons Why Fallout 4 is worse than Fallout 3

    Yeah well fuck you too Ron. Gonna steal your voice with ai and have it say war war doesn't change. Destroyed kiddo
  18. Yossarrion

    Microsoft shuts down several Bethesda studios, merges others

    Normies are retarded Had a feeling I was right. Least he got to sue the stupid woman who accused him
  19. Yossarrion

    Ten Reasons Why Fallout 4 is worse than Fallout 3

    i havent played non dlc fo3 since 08. you still die if you tell sarah the true hero lyons to kill herself?