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  1. Yossarrion

    Microsoft shuts down several Bethesda studios, merges others

    one day theyll run out of chevrons and start erasing the old colors. should be fun when that happens
  2. Yossarrion

    Ten Reasons Why Fallout 4 is worse than Fallout 3

    Telling a woman to kill herself is always an A+ move in my book
  3. Yossarrion

    why is the SMMG so based

    why is the SMMG so based
  4. Yossarrion

    Ten Reasons Why Fallout 4 is worse than Fallout 3

    None of these are consequences. Moira is still around and just goes to the Underworld and continues the quest there and is still a vendor. She won't even acknowledge you did it unless you force the issue. There's no real consequences to nuking Megaton. Compare it to the powder gangers of NV...
  5. Yossarrion

    Microsoft shuts down several Bethesda studios, merges others

    i would take great pleasure if microsoft shut down 76 soon if it was bleeding money. the modern day politics being injected into it and the garbage nature of a live service fallout game annoy me greatly. i see him being a dick on twitter to other people in the industry. hes definitely a...
  6. Yossarrion

    Microsoft shuts down several Bethesda studios, merges others

    normies are now flocking to 76 and defending it. Apparently fixing it in post is a good enough reason to excuse awful game releases. chris avellone got me too'd and blacklisted out of the industry. even though the allegations ended up being turned around and he sued his accusers lol. even if...
  7. Yossarrion

    Fauna, Flora, Factions, and Facilities of the Wasteland

    Yeah I agree about it being a perk I was just saying the mechanics should be you can hack a door down with a weapon
  8. Yossarrion

    Fauna, Flora, Factions, and Facilities of the Wasteland

    Just let people use a strength check to open locked doors
  9. Yossarrion

    How would you do a Fallout Show?

    I'd get Sydney Sweeney in one of those alternative looking modded vault suits and she'd have high caliber machine guns to kill the bad guys with. She would be going prone and firing or hip firing for all the action shots.
  10. Yossarrion

    Ten Reasons Why Fallout 4 is worse than Fallout 3

    I think you just need to listen to the broadcast from the outcast to get the quest.
  11. Yossarrion

    Ten Reasons Why Fallout 4 is worse than Fallout 3

    You can beeline to the Operation Anchorage DLC and get t51 and a bunch of guns right off the rip in FO3. The only real plot point that requires you to do anything in FO3 is your idiot dad getting stuck in tranquility lane. Everything else is just fetch quests. You can do all of that in FO3 and...
  12. Yossarrion

    Liberty Prime - The Fallout Numidium

    It occurs to me that this is Dagoth Ur's plan in Morrowind with Akuklakhan who now that I look deeper into his lore is called the second Numidium lol
  13. Yossarrion

    Bro what happened to vulpes inculta

    millennials think the legion is full of feminine men because they wear the cut up pants to resemble skirts like the Romans wore. Degenerates like them belong on a cross.
  14. Yossarrion

    Todd Howard suggests that they'll start on Fallout 5 soon

    It'll be t69 power armor to cut the seriousness of any situation with shitty queer millennial writing
  15. Yossarrion

    Todd Howard suggests that they'll start on Fallout 5 soon

    Fallout 5 being pushed up to score off the current craze isn't surprising. Bethesda is owned by Microsoft who owns lots of companies. We might see them make other studios put it out. It's all wild conjecture but interesting to me. I know it isn't shared on this forum but Microsoft owns blizzard...
  16. Yossarrion

    The first Season of the Fallout tv show is out

    Where's the fan service where Lucy's real life player installs loverslabs mods breaking her neck seam and giving the old lady the same body as well.
  17. Yossarrion

    What do you think is the canon sequence of DLC events for the Courier's journey?

    I just mean I can see the two kidnapping ones as plausibly happening during the new Vegas canon. Honest hearts would have to happen before the events of New Vegas, idk how the courier getting involved with everything would just randomly take a job that will take several months to complete...
  18. Yossarrion

    When was the last time you played each respective Fallout game?

    1: been a few years 2:2024 3:2024 NV:2024 4:2023 76:2024 Tactics:2024 Still can't finish a tactics game idk what it is even with turn based I don't like it
  19. Yossarrion

    Should I play New Vegas?

    New Vegas is worth a playthrough or two. Still finding new things even after playing it for 14? Years now.
  20. Yossarrion

    What do you think is the canon sequence of DLC events for the Courier's journey?

    Old world blues could happen anytime since you get kidnapped. Same with dead money. Honest hearts and lonesome road are the odds ones out narratively