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  1. Yossarrion

    Josh Sawyer interview at RPS

    Nothing is universally liked. Not even if it's perfect like the first predator movie.
  2. Yossarrion

    Notes on Fallout TV (Return to the Nolanverse complete, Review notes complete)

    Never seen it but I've heard it had a good first season then fell off a cliff after
  3. Yossarrion

    So I watched the first episode of the Fallout TV show.......

    That's fair and I admitted to me misinterpreting what he said as canon
  4. Yossarrion

    My review of Fallout: the Series Season One 9/10

    Maybe the real ghouls were the friends we made along the way
  5. Yossarrion

    Josh Sawyer interview at RPS

    Always surprising when they don't rattle the cage and scream the fans are the reason the show sucked. I wish people would be more willing to criticize things in the gaming sphere, everyone acts like Tim Cain and I find it frustrating as hell because life isn't that way but game developers are...
  6. Yossarrion

    Notes on Fallout TV (Return to the Nolanverse complete, Review notes complete)

    I was talking to Pax about that. Nothing she has done now will matter since her story is over and done with. As far as Max goes I found him to be more of someone who was more of a Lyons brotherhood kind of guy then a Maxson one. He's got an idealized sense of ethics, whether it was portrayed...
  7. Yossarrion

    So I watched the first episode of the Fallout TV show.......

    I believe it was Tim Cain who said it and I'm conflating things he said and what is canon. I don't think they intended on carpet bombing China with fev though, just the testing. I don't know about bombing China with it but again Tim Cain said the Chinese dropped the bombs because of the fev
  8. Yossarrion

    Thoughts on the brotherhood?

    Lyons wasn't a very good leader. He split off his main directive and caused a lot of deaths that could've been avoided had the brotherhood done what they were supposed to do. I actually liked the Outcast schism and wish they had done more with it. I think of a Fallout 3 with proper factions like...
  9. Yossarrion

    So I watched the first episode of the Fallout TV show.......

    She isn't portrayed in any light other than a pragmatic character that wants to turn on cold fusion. For whatever reason she can do that and survive 200 years but can't hack a Vault Tec terminal is beyond me. The whole vault 4 thing is really bizarre and was just shoehorned in for some reason...
  10. Yossarrion

    My review of Fallout: the Series Season One 9/10

    I thought it was boyarsky who stepped in and made the game fifties of the future.
  11. Yossarrion

    My review of Fallout: the Series Season One 9/10

    That was just the mention of the institute and the railroad though. Doesn't Zimmer say the Commonwealth is just a lawless wasteland as well?
  12. Yossarrion

    My review of Fallout: the Series Season One 9/10

    It's ok to cave my skull in with a baseball bat but you're a God damned pussy if you plug a hole in me with a gun. It's pottery
  13. Yossarrion

    Vault-Tec Map, Fallout TV Show

    Several but I live in socal so that's to be expected
  14. Yossarrion

    How does one handle coming back to the RPG (Fallout 2 for an ex.) after a long time.

    I usually playthrough it once or twice a year. So when I go back I just restart
  15. Yossarrion

    Fallout renewed for another season

    Not a surprise at all. Suppose I'm in for the ride, let's see where Mr bones wild ride takes us next
  16. Yossarrion

    The first Season of the Fallout tv show is out

    Definitely feels like something the show runners really clamped on to which is weird. West Tek is such a major company in terms of what they did to affect everything and they barely get a seat at the table
  17. Yossarrion

    The first Season of the Fallout tv show is out

    Vault tec invented the nuclear bomb
  18. Yossarrion

    Fallout: Van Buren Worldbook (FINISHED - Map and PDF inside)

    No worries thanks for responding. Was talking to Pax about it and the SMGs at least seem very weak with a lot of hoops to jump through for low damage.
  19. Yossarrion

    Fallout: Van Buren Worldbook (FINISHED - Map and PDF inside)

    I love the name BULLMOOSE. I wanted to ask you if you knew how burst fire worked? I get that you roll to hit, then roll a seperate d100 and for every 25% success you hit again, and the 2nd burst fire roll is a straight roll with no modifiers attached. Does that include DT? Is the first shot the...