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  1. Yossarrion

    The first Season of the Fallout tv show is out

    It is overblown, these people wouldn't know what fascism was if it sat on they're face and wiggled
  2. Yossarrion

    The first Season of the Fallout tv show is out

    From what I've seen most Bethesda fans still think the brotherhood is a fascist organization because of fallout 4
  3. Yossarrion

    Fallout 2d20

    I know I'm a day late, and you and I have spoken about this system before but to anyone wondering from what I have gathered most people seem to enjoy playing this 2d20 system and the common complaint is combat. I will say off the reviews I've seen the book is actually something of a collectors...
  4. Yossarrion

    The first Season of the Fallout tv show is out

    I almost hit bingo on your buzzword salad. Little bit more please
  5. Yossarrion

    The first Season of the Fallout tv show is out

    Poseidon oil, or general atomics imo
  6. Yossarrion

    Fallout TV show coming 2024, featuring Vault 33 in Los Angeles

    Because the timeline is 9 years later from fo4 and Arthur was so important to the east coast brotherhood ( and west coast). Him just being gone and not mentioned is baffling since they referred to him almost as a Messiah like figure in 4.
  7. Yossarrion

    Fallout TV show coming 2024, featuring Vault 33 in Los Angeles

    It being the Prydwen with no mention of Maxson is dumb
  8. Yossarrion

    Are shots to testicles really funny?

    It's pretty funny to have a guy who only ever shoots people in the groin. The mental image of a chosen one power fisting frank in the groin is funny too
  9. Yossarrion

    Fallout TV show coming 2024, featuring Vault 33 in Los Angeles

    My friend is the biggest tactics fan. It's his favorite, everytime we play he's talking about it. All his brotherhood of steel wasteland warfare teams are tactics inspired. He's always talking about going prone and shit.
  10. Yossarrion

    Would you have rather gotten Van Buren but no New Vegas?

    Only ever heard it being real time. If there was going to be turn based I would prefer that.
  11. Yossarrion

    Would you have rather gotten Van Buren but no New Vegas?

    No. I would've hated the gameplay of van Buren. Real time with pause is ass. I would've preferred a properly worked on new Vegas and the dlc deal with the more esoteric or interesting van Buren factions.
  12. Yossarrion

    The first Season of the Fallout tv show is out

    Emil stating something retarded and then back pedaling is amazing
  13. Yossarrion

    Fallout TV show coming 2024, featuring Vault 33 in Los Angeles

    It's the same retards who lap up everything and have a fallout shelf filled with overpriced plastic from Bethesda. The show had some cool things, and if I wasn't a veteran of the older games it would probably be really great.
  14. Yossarrion

    The first Season of the Fallout tv show is out

    I've enjoyed the show barring the story at the end of episode 5. I like the physical sets, props, the gratuitous violence, and bizarrely even enjoyed the characters.
  15. Yossarrion

    What's The Difference Between Hard Rock & Heavy Metal?

    Humanitys need to put everything into groups and sub group those groups
  16. Yossarrion

    Impressive Fallout fan video

    I was happy discovering this since my buddy and I are doing a project sunburst playthrough with wasteland warfare
  17. Yossarrion

    Unpopular Opinion and Discussion thread

    ice cream is overrated
  18. Yossarrion

    Fauna, Flora, Factions, and Facilities of the Wasteland

    Good, scorchbeasts are cringe
  19. Yossarrion

    Fauna, Flora, Factions, and Facilities of the Wasteland

    This is all well and good, but is the deathclaw still top of the food chain as it rightfully should be?