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  1. Yossarrion

    Fallout: Wasteland Warfare

    Ok here's a few of my more recent ones. The radscorpion is 3d printed the rest are official models. I've got a ton that are stored in boxes so I didn't get them out
  2. Yossarrion

    Fallout: Wasteland Warfare

    I play it weekly and have a lot of the minis. I enjoy it a lot
  3. Yossarrion

    New Fallout trailer

    It's corpo speak for fans will probably watch it anyway we want new blood to consume fallout media. It was always going to be this way, Benny something the game was something from the something meme
  4. Yossarrion

    New Fallout trailer

    I am a fan of the t series armor other than 65 but no I meant I liked how the prop armor looks.
  5. Yossarrion

    New Fallout trailer

    I do have an interest in seeing a deathclaw in a live action scenario as well I guess. Maybe I'm retarded but I like how the power armor looks, and the creature designs. So I guess what I'm saying is I'll watch it til I see my deathclaw
  6. Yossarrion

    New Fallout trailer

    Love being told not to voice an opinion and just consume product.
  7. Yossarrion

    Radio Stations in Fallout

    Exactly like that. Perfection
  8. Yossarrion

    Radio Stations in Fallout

    That's cool as hell. I was thinking of using so to make a voice changer and pre recording lines of dialogue commenting on things going on in the wasteland and what my players did whenever I start up that van Buren PnP. This channel could be of some help with songs
  9. Yossarrion

    Radio Stations in Fallout

    Yeah no doubt about the time periods but what wasteland did was change the songs to fit the theme of the setting. Which for wasteland is very country. So finding songs and making them sound appropriate to fallouts era is a good idea which the op had asked about earlier. I was just using it as an...
  10. Yossarrion

    Radio Stations in Fallout

    Take this how you will but in fallout 76 they've got wouldn't it be nice by the beach boys playing. As far as the radio I think it was probably a good inclusion and one of the few good things the game did. As a kid I remember how pulse raising the DC subway system was with all the ambient...
  11. Yossarrion

    Fallout: Van Buren Worldbook (FINISHED - Map and PDF inside)

    Great maps. What program did you build them with? Glad to hear it flows well, I was worried it would be too much of a meat grinder.
  12. Yossarrion

    Fallout: Van Buren Worldbook (FINISHED - Map and PDF inside)

    That's awesome. Sounds very cool overall, I can't wait for later this year when my current game ends and I can start up the PnP with the group. How are you finding the combat to play?
  13. Yossarrion

    Fauna, Flora, Factions, and Facilities of the Wasteland

    It's cut content right?I guess since I play with the RP more than without it I consider it part of the game lol, my mistake. Ran through it and made my porn star male giggalo a female with big bazookas for more porn opportunities in New Reno Fair enough.
  14. Yossarrion

    Fauna, Flora, Factions, and Facilities of the Wasteland

    They also name drop things like DARPA in wasteland 3. Nothing too serious imo, let's people connect. As far as companies go, I like that colt, and Browning are name dropped. I also don't mind the fallout names for companies like nuka cola or lockreed. I think if it has a fallout name you should...
  15. Yossarrion

    Fallout: Van Buren Worldbook (FINISHED - Map and PDF inside)

    Love to see the updates. I'm planning on running van Buren late this year when my group finishes the current module we are on.
  16. Yossarrion

    Unpopular Opinion and Discussion thread

    Italian food is overrated
  17. Yossarrion

    Dang, I Didn't Know That's How Josh Sawyer Really Feels About Vegas!

    Vegas is a shit hole. Anytime I drove through it when I lived in Utah something bad happened. Reno is a shit hole too.
  18. Yossarrion

    Fallout TV-show Teaser Trailer just dropped

    Bethesda likes the apocalyptic approach where everyone is living in shitty little towns for some reason. Apparently the only two things they took for influence from the original games is nuclear apocalypse and the 50s. I am unsure how to feel about the show. Amazon has put out some good shows...
  19. Yossarrion

    The best Moral Dilemma in the series?

    The ending of honest hearts
  20. Yossarrion

    How did you discover Fallout ?

    My friends uncle who was our AD&D DM got me into fallout 2 in 99