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  1. R

    Sulik and SMGs

    Hint: This includes the .223 pistol, my favorite weapon for Sulik.
  2. R

    San Francisco Bartering

    Well, I gave it a shot. Bought both shops out of pretty much all their stuff, parked my car at the military base, and checked their wares after wandering the wastes for a month. Than another month. Still no dice. So it's probably the timing thing. Either that, or it's like the too many...
  3. R

    San Francisco Bartering

    Could do that too; probably will when I'm less sleep deprived. @_@ Either way, I'll post what happens when I go to do so.
  4. R

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    Greetings. I'm Recon Rover Rick, and I'm a Falloutaholic. I'd say I need help, but I think I prefer it this way.
  5. R

    San Francisco Bartering

    Well, I suppose there's just one way to be sure about this. I'll have to go gambling after hitting the enclave and getting the hintbook, get a whole lotta dough, and buy out most of the shopkeeper's wares and stow them somewhere else; probably Navarro. And then see what happens afterward.
  6. R

    San Francisco Bartering

    Per: Nay, I haven't; although I am probably getting somewhat close to the limit, haven't been exactly rushing around.
  7. R

    San Francisco Bartering

    So about every time I end up in San Francisco, after a while, Red 888 Guns and Flying Dragon 8, the two good shops, stop stocking new items. I was wondering if this might be an issue of there being too many different items on the map, perhaps some variation of the 'too many items' bug? Or is...