Search results

  1. cordelionreaver

    Enclave and NCR Alliance.

    Considering how out of dated Whitley's information was (He thought Navarro was still around) and the fact ED-E was shoddily repaired, leads me to believe there is no Enclave base in Chicago.
  2. cordelionreaver

    Anything you liked that Bethesda added to the franchise?

    The Eyebots and the Protectrons. Even though I didn't use it, I liked how power armor in 4. I liked that you had to enter it and that it required fuel. It made it feel like it was actual power armor instead of fancy metal armor.
  3. cordelionreaver

    Opinions on the Elder Scrolls

    I loved Morrowind, it was what got me into modding. I have never been that big of a fan of generic fantasy settings, so Morrowind's alien landscape drew me in. I didn't like Oblivion. The story was bland and generic, and the level scaling was awful. You had bandits running with daerdric...
  4. cordelionreaver

    How many of us actually finished FO4?

    I made it about 40 hours. I managed to beat the main quest and Minute Men quest line. Although at the near the end of the main quest, I got sick of it and just toggled god mode.
  5. cordelionreaver

    Why must life be so cruel?

    So do you start at jail instead of Go? You would think they would of done a Elder Scrolls Monopoly instead of just Skyrim.
  6. cordelionreaver

    Rise of the Tomb Raider

    I never played the original games, but I liked the game play of the reboot. The story was kinda of meh, it felt like it tried too hard to be dark. The salvagepunk design of the Solarii was interesting.
  7. cordelionreaver

    Any 40K fans?

    If the Emperor had a Text to Speech Device Q&A Its about 3 hours long.
  8. cordelionreaver

    What was the Funniest Argument You've had with a Bethesda Apologist?

    Somebody has been to LoversLab recently.
  9. cordelionreaver

    What are some of your fondest/funniest memories and experiences with Fallout?

    The quests in New Reno. Telling Lloyd that "There two kinds of people in this world. Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig." Then dropping a land mine on him "Hey Lloyd, catch!"
  10. cordelionreaver

    The NMA Podcast General Thread

    Yeah, the town would of started fighting the dragon instead of running away.
  11. cordelionreaver

    Meat loaf

    First CD I ever bought was Meat Loaf's Bat Out Hell 2.
  12. cordelionreaver

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    I just got done with Dragon Age Inquisition. Bland story with a incompetent antagonist, and godawful fetch quests.
  13. cordelionreaver

    Most Hated NPC's

    They are the ones that kidnapped you and stole your body parts. They wanted to leave the Big MT and cause havoc. That is why Dr. Mobious wiped their memories and played the part of the villain to keep them from leaving. Ulysses has the same plan as the other Fallout antagonists, but since he...
  14. cordelionreaver

    Most Hated NPC's

    You can't side with the Master, Enclave, Elijah or Think Tank(they a had a cut ending where you side with them).
  15. cordelionreaver

    Rate the above song and post your own.

    8/10 its a good cover
  16. cordelionreaver

    Most Hated NPC's

    Ulysses. He is a crazy mad man, who hates you for delivering a piece of mail. He doesn't blame the Divide for building their town on a nuclear launch site. He expects you to be omnipotent to some how know that the package you delivered would cause a disaster. What annoys me the most is...