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  1. cordelionreaver

    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    Apparently The Frontier youtube channel found the videos because they are arguing with commenters. Its under the Blujay58 comment.
  2. cordelionreaver

    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    I think they're playing a different version then I did. Some voices sound different , there were no mean options in joining the Crusaders and there was no option to refuse to join. I am surprised they didn't comment on Jolene's backstory of being a NCR spy in the Brotherhood.
  3. cordelionreaver

    Why does the NCR go after Enclave remnants, but not remnants of the Master's Army?

    The BOS started the war with the NCR So I think Enclave war and then BOS wanted the tech and attacked the NCR.
  4. cordelionreaver

    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    tgspy is doing a Reddit AMA. There isn't that many interesting new facts.
  5. cordelionreaver

    Fallout NV Companion Alignments

    I played DnD and I never heard of impure or moral alignments. I think what the OP means by impure and moral is not quite evil or good. Maybe he just wanted everyone to have their own alignment. I actually kinda of curious how the OP decided what alignments people went into.
  6. cordelionreaver

    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    I say play through it once to see how bad it is. The open world exploration is not that bad, its not great, but you take what you can with this mod.
  7. cordelionreaver

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    I write by hand mostly. It is mostly quick notes so its faster to write it out by hand.
  8. cordelionreaver

    Let me see your headcanons!

    My head cannon is that the raider tribes are more like Vikings then gangs. Basically most of them are regular people and a small percentage of them go on raids.
  9. cordelionreaver

    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    Well its better then the NCR path. Granted that bar is so low that it is on the ground.
  10. cordelionreaver

    Many a True Nerd "Fallout 3 is Better than you Think"

    It makes sense for the NCR to be in New Vegas. It doesn't make sense for the Enclave and the Brotherhood to be in 3. Also what would happen to the story of Fallout 2 if the NCR had nothing to do with Shady Sands?
  11. cordelionreaver

    Many a True Nerd "Fallout 3 is Better than you Think"

    You don't need the Enclave, Super Mutants or Brotherhood to make a Fallout game. You could cut them out from New Vegas and it wouldn't affect the main story.
  12. cordelionreaver

    Ghouls not needing food was retconned in NV not 4
  13. cordelionreaver

    Ghouls not needing food was retconned in NV not 4

    Lobotomites know to operate firearms. I think they would be able to get food.
  14. cordelionreaver

    Ghouls not needing food was retconned in NV not 4

    At least the Little Yangtze survivors went insane from isolation for 200 years. Unlike the boy in the fridge who is perfectly ok.
  15. cordelionreaver

    So who's excited for the Frontier?

    Apparently he volunteered to do the role. The only paid voice actors were Blackthorne, Valerius and Weaver.