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  1. JaW

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    well it isn't beauty, the design is 50 years old :) EDIT: This upgrade looks much better: or this one...
  2. JaW

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    I'll recommended aged but still very good Sa-58. High quality, accurate, dismantled in 1 minute, rate of fire 800 rounds/min!!! I have one at home for a joy. Sa58 Field Strip Sa58 shooting...
  3. JaW

    Current EPA Project

    Hi Chris. This mod is great but I have to ask you why as you say I have to install ofic. patch 1.02 and delete it after? I mean patch000.dat file. If I delete this file then the game is running as a version 1.0 am I right?