Most people hate it because they bought a multiplayer game expecting 100% single player. I would not play it since i do not like survival games but people in general are dumbasses.
That is what i mean, Watched some people play the new Resident evil and i feel like a god compare to those people, Not to mention how blind people seem to be as they are missing things they are straight up staring at.
Was visiting a rather famous car scrap here in Sweden a while ago and one of my friends snapped some pictures so here you have me obviously showing the better side.
I went through The witcher 1 and did everything "my way" and i think i missed 2 small things. Sadly in TW2 i never went past the intro lvl cause my min max brain ruined it for me.
That is the thing.. I do not remember! I remember it looking interesting but the only thing i found in my history was another mod from earlier that day and this could have been a month or 3 ago.
Time is a blur when you have nothing to do.
They broke up and he moved out and just before he fled Sweden he raped a kid. That has haunted me for years but today we finally found out that the U.S. Marshals caught his ass and his face is getting plastered all over the place,
Such a sigh of relief! I just hope he is sent back to the US...
No idea why the game is overhyped in the first place but this actually made me mad and i am a really calm person when i play games 99% of the time.
Fuck those scrub devs.