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  1. Makta

    I am.

    I am.
  2. Makta

    Second time in 3 days i heard a random "bloink" sound and no program/windows have anything like...

    Second time in 3 days i heard a random "bloink" sound and no program/windows have anything like that.. PC ghost is real.
  3. Makta

    I never used 8 but i heard it was horrible.

    I never used 8 but i heard it was horrible.
  4. Makta

    In the few weeks i've had win 10 i have had more problems than i had since windows 2000/ME to...

    In the few weeks i've had win 10 i have had more problems than i had since windows 2000/ME to Windows 7. I should go back to 7 soon.
  5. Makta
  6. Makta

    Back to playing some Metro and i must give exodus credit for having the best song IMO! Link in...

    Back to playing some Metro and i must give exodus credit for having the best song IMO! Link in comment.
  7. Makta

    I can't for the life of me remeber more than 1/4 of the things i had bookmarked.. Grrr!

    I can't for the life of me remeber more than 1/4 of the things i had bookmarked.. Grrr!
  8. Makta

    I just needed to copy some stuff but i thought the sync would save everything, I was wrong! But...

    I just needed to copy some stuff but i thought the sync would save everything, I was wrong! But besides this i only have a few small issues left that i hope i will fix soon.
  9. Makta

    So 4 "?" years later i finaly formated my PC and got Windows 10 instead of 7!.. Forgot to backup...

    So 4 "?" years later i finaly formated my PC and got Windows 10 instead of 7!.. Forgot to backup my firefox stuff. RIP
  10. Makta

    Is there any eu site like pricerunner to find the cheapest store for a specific item?

    Is there any eu site like pricerunner to find the cheapest store for a specific item?
  11. Makta

    Tips of Fallout 2

    Have you played the first one? Tempel of trials is probably one of my most dissliked areas in any fallout game and it was where i started and i also quit for a while before comming back. But if not i would just suggest going for 10agi and do a 1 kick then run tactic for the scorpions and that...
  12. Makta

    I... no!

    I... no!
  13. Makta

    First time in my life i 100% understand what being done with something really feels like.

    First time in my life i 100% understand what being done with something really feels like.
  14. Makta

    This year has beaten the shit out of me, stole my wallet and threw gas on me and light me on...

    This year has beaten the shit out of me, stole my wallet and threw gas on me and light me on fire. And now it is asking me to suck dick..
  15. Makta

    Just remember to go for russian the next time ;)

    Just remember to go for russian the next time ;)
  16. Makta

    If you ever play exodus tho they removed the need to listen for random stuff so i went and...

    If you ever play exodus tho they removed the need to listen for random stuff so i went and restarted after the first chapter and put it on russian.
  17. Makta

    Play through it once in english then russian every run after that!

    Play through it once in english then russian every run after that!
  18. Makta

    True, but it worked so well!

    True, but it worked so well!
  19. Makta

    F.E.A.R is probably my all time favorite FPS ever. The game still looks good and the AI is still...

    F.E.A.R is probably my all time favorite FPS ever. The game still looks good and the AI is still well made.
  20. Makta

    Shame only 1 store in Sweden still sells em. No idea why they vanished completely in 4 years.

    Shame only 1 store in Sweden still sells em. No idea why they vanished completely in 4 years.