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  1. D

    Fallout 2 Weapons Mod Due

    However! Does that loading screen mean he's putting Necropolis in? Probably not... but one can dream.
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    Moral Graph

    That's political correctness for you. Anyway, I too have parked in the bottom left corner, with the same "omg make up your mind sucker :roll:" commentary. I think the problem lies in different definitions of "wrong": I took "wrong" to mean "devious", which fucking a frozen chicken objectively...
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    European expansion- problems?

    I voted for EU entry, but I'm probably going to vote against the constitution, if I get the chance. The first thing that's disconcerting is the way the constitutional treaty is being peddled to the public. To my awareness, there is not a country in the EU where the government is organizing a...
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    Habemus Papam

    Apparently he wasn't particularly eager to be in the Hitlerjugend, so I'd say what he's been doing the following 60 years is more important.
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    Fallout Yurop updated

    Well the thing is, I believe there has never before been a mod as large-scale as the ones being worked on now. None that saw the light of day, anyway. Even FMF and Yurop have been going on for several years now.
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    Fallout Yurop updated

    Plan for Bethesda: 1. Scratch FO3 2. Sign with the makers of FO: Yurop, FMF, Burżuazja etc. 3. ...? 4. Profit!
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    Foreign Language

    Ah, by the way. I'm planning to take Spanish next semester. I was deciding between Spanish and French, and chose Spanish because of simpler spelling and pronunciation. Your thoughts? Am I entering the Kingdom of Heaven, or fucking my future up beyond repair?
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    Foreign Language

    In the former Eastern Block, the 30-somethings and older can presumably speak some Russian, but will be generally reluctant to do so. (This may be different in the Baltic States, which have significant Russian minorities.) English is generally understood, as is German in the countries close to...
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    Fallout Yurop undead

    A newb who digs up old threads, no less. (j/k, this one wasn't even on the next page yet) Anyway, Yurop sure did seem to have a lot of good stuff behind it. Check out the screenshots on the website. Some of the makers do what they do on the mod for a living (DJBoomer is a DTP artist, if...
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    Pope Dies.....

    I believe the official explanation is that divine providence, the Holy Ghost, acts through the electors. For instance when John XXIII was elected, he was expected to stay out of things and die soon. Instead he called a council that changed some very important things. That was a major surprise =...
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    Kreegle? Duck and Cover? Where?

    Kreegle left last January after Killz, Megatron and the chaps decided to have some fun. Some time after that, Killz got too busy snorting cocaine to pay for the domain, so we moved on first to, then to, as has been noted. Morbius sometimes pops up on...
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    Anti-Pot statistic evolution

    You are a better human being than me.
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    Anti-Pot statistic evolution

    Where do you all find time for this stuff?
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    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    I'm afraid the truth is much harsher. If you don't know who this is, make sure it stays that way.
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    How are you in matters of love?

    Another of these things I can't finish. There are simply no right answers to some of the questions for me. Sometimes the choices are too restrictive, sometimes the questions are irrelevant in light of others (such as "are you on good terms with your ex-girlfriends" when I don't have any of...
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    History of NMA

    Man, I'm such a noob. I only go back to the fairly early days of V13, when NMA was at GameStats and DAC (then very obscure to me) was at I don't even know how I first got to NMA, all I remember is flinging my very n00b self at some guy called Sweaty Testes in the forums. D...
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    For Americans- Is Torture acceptable?

    Maybe I've just read the thread wrong, but it seems no-one's pointed out that after three years of total isolation from the world, the prisoners' intelligence value is now necessarily zero, no matter if it was that way from the outset or not. I really wonder if the interrogators still hope to...
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    My current computer, which I got in mid-2003, was a bitch to get working. An experienced friend of mine built it for me, all the equipment (apart from the CD-ROM drive) was new and from established brands, and the damn thing made him look like an ass (especially to my mother who paid for half of...