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  1. D

    So, uh, did anyone like it?

    I recognize that Bethesda made a serious attempt to create a true sequel to the Fallout series. It's not quite as good - partly due to conscious design decisions which I don't like, partly due to bad scriptwriting - and it goes without saying that slapping the name "Fallout" on a product raises...
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    Russia vs. Georgia

    Meanwhile, the Ukraine is next in line for a "colour counter-revolution"... maybe? (Note that, unlike South Ossetia, there actually IS a Russian minority in the Ukraine.)
  3. D

    What's Your Favorite Drink?

    Still diet coke.
  4. D

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    I like it. 10/10
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    Russia vs. Georgia

    I gathered as much. Must suck for the Georgians, though, if this was supposed to be their "first NATO-standard" base (I think it said so in one of the articles quoted by Welsh). Not that I'd want Georgia in NATO, with the permanent quagmire it's been in.
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    Russia vs. Georgia

    I still don't know about who's in the right and who isn't, but it seems something is still afoul. No Georgian gov't sources quoted this time, at any rate.
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    Russia vs. Georgia

    Because they're party to the conflict (applies generally to every belligerent ever, so it's not what I meant by "particular"), or is there another reason?
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    Russia vs. Georgia

    Looks like it has now: It seems the Russian army is advancing beyond South Ossetia into central Georgian territory at Gori, and has done some light bombing on an airport in Tbilisi. That is if you...
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    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    I picked something up at the zoo. There should be a photo here. If it's not, hosting dickery is afoot.
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    BBC survey: countries take a look at each other

    What struck me as most apparent is how the Japanese have the worst self-image of the evaluated countries. Most other countries seem to see themselves in a predominantly positive light (Russia and China especially), while the Japanese apparently don't think highly of their contributions, even...
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    FLILF Round 2-

    Obama is passable. McCain is a witch who only0 manages to look so-so even despite using the camwhore angle.
  12. D

    The phrase "a dog's life" - translations needed!

    Not quite (not that it could be), Google suggests "pasji život".
  13. D

    The phrase "a dog's life" - translations needed!

    Tchèque: Psí život. No article.
  14. D

    Czechoslovakia got nuked!

    I hate to pick this apart again, but I'm afraid my colleague forgot the most important point: We call Batman "Batman".
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    Meet the Fallout 3 World Artist

    Allow me to contribute nothing to this topic, and just point out that Nathan Purkeypile is the second most awesome name ever.
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    Interplay reopens in-house studio, hires Jason D. Anderson

    The signing of Anderson is most interesting indeed... so much so that it MADE ME POST. I'm curious as to what he's actually going to do. I hope he won't be working on FOOL, because that doesn't sound like any less of a fantastic clusterfuck than it did seven (was it seven?) years ago.
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    Personality Disorder Test

    <div align="center"> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#eeeeee"> <div align="center"> Personality Disorder Test Results <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4" bgcolor="#dddddd"> <tr> <td>Paranoid</td> <td width="50">||||||</td> <td...
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    Ugh, calculus. Forget Hitler; Leibniz was the biggest criminal in history. (Still a German, though; go figure.) High school-level calculus was okay for me, except that I graduated from math with a 4 (where 1 = best and 5 = fail) because I misunderstood the problem I got on the exam, but that...
  19. D

    First music, then television, then games, and now...

    NAZI MAIDS! And I thought with shitting dicknipples, I'd seen it all... Only the Germans and the Japanese... Seriously, though, the Japanese are the Germans of the east - high culture, idiotic humour, bad teeth, occasional bouts of territorial ambition, you name it.
  20. D

    First music, then television, then games, and now...

    If we're going to talk about anime art styles, there's a world of differences between, say, Lucky Star and Monster, or Sazae-san and Ghost in the Shell (the TV series don't really count in this respect, but alas). Then there's stuff like Atamayama or Tekkon Kinkreet, which is in a category of...