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  1. D

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    Try it, then. You too, Silencer.
  2. D

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    Jebus, you do wear glasses, right?
  3. D

    Who has the best chicks

    Oh, can't really blame them for that. Even Margaret Thatcher brought her own drinking water on her visit to Yugoslavia, after all. ;)
  4. D

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    The time has come for you all to suffer. So I've finally gotten one of those mobillular telephonizitierators equipped with a "camera," so I decided to take the risk of voiding my warranty and put it to the ultimate test. It's actually still working, which means very high quality. After...
  5. D

    Who has the best chicks

    That sounds more like Germans, actually. For you, they're like Czechs in most aspects, except they don't bring canned food with them and spend more overall, even though you're getting as expensive as Italy. Oh, and maybe they don't wear white socks and sandals at the same time, though I'm not...
  6. D

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    The heck is that, HM? Assrape / 10
  7. D

    So, have any of you teamed up in RL?

    You always picture them handsomer.
  8. D

    Oliver Stone Makes 11/9 Movie

    Nicolas Cage?! Ugh. Yes, Oliver Stone should be lynched.
  9. D

    Dreams suck:(

    Do you have stairs in your house? Anyway, man, your dreams rule. Mine are mostly about public transit screwing up and me getting late to wherever I was supposed to be. Really, wtf. :| I sure could use a good baby-killing dream...
  10. D

    Ha! Dodge that you non-English scum!

    Now look what you've caused.
  11. D

    Fallout Zero screenshots

    I know it's no comedy gold, but they made me do it.
  12. D

    Fallout Zero screenshots

    Was für Titte!!!11111111wolowolo I hear Chuck Cuevas is hiring.
  13. D

    Ha! Dodge that you non-English scum!

    So I've gone from "retarded gimp" to "brother" in just one-anna-half weeks? Not bad. Or you're just not being backstabbing enough.
  14. D

    Ha! Dodge that you non-English scum!

    Well, Dragonetti can't know if he'll be alive by 2012, so I thought this thread was operating on such assumptions by default.
  15. D

    Ha! Dodge that you non-English scum!

    Prague is running for the 2016 Olympics. I must say I'm horrified by the idea. For one thing, the city would be completely unliveable for a month or however long the thing is supposed to take because of all the tourists and "security measures". And most importantly, incredulous amounts of...
  16. D

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    A health insurance company building, no less. Really though, if it's the same building I have in mind, there's a special entrance for them. I guess they just don't want them to get stuck in the rotating door or something. Skynet gets 6/10 for being dark but mediocre.
  17. D

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    OZP is Oborová zdravotní pojišťovna. It's a health insurance company, incidentally the one I'm insured at. And you get a big throbbing 5/10 for the rather high meh factor, coupled with the fact that you could have easily found out what it is by visiting that URL (warning, gay website)...
  18. D

    Happy 4th Of July Americans and Americanophiles!

    I believe it should also be noted that what a country -- any country -- has done in the past hardly justifies its present actions. The "shut up about Gitmo (or whatever) cause WE saved you from Hitler sixty years ago" kind of logic simply doesn't cut it. If the US is unpopular with many...