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  1. D

    Dragon Age? What the hell happened to you?

    I happen to enjoy it, still after gathering up all the allies; the dwarves, elves, mages and humans. I only have the final part left now I guess. I like the main story so far, and some of the twists there. But then again, I liked Mass Effect, and it's basically the same shit (they said it was...
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    Ron Perlman mentions Fallout movie

    I've always imagined the vault dweller to be extremely charismatic. Russell Crowe constantly looks like he's about to punch you in the face. I think UnidentifiedFlyingTard's got it right though, where a Fallout movie might actually be worth a damn if it's not made by hollywood. I would rather...
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    Ron Perlman mentions Fallout movie

    Now they just need to get Uwe Boll to direct it and it's set for greatness.
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    Dragon Age? What the hell happened to you?

    I have never tried baldurs gate. Is it worth checking up on?
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    Your Fallout collection

    It's a nice collection. Too bad that after Fallout 2, it only get's worse in random order.
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    Encyclopædia Dramatica

    Not one of those guys are serious? I mean, I get your point, and it's the abhorrent racism and jokes about 9/11 which makes a lot of it funny, but I honestly just feel that sometimes there are a lot of people who really *mean* what they are saying. And it just simply stops beeing funny.
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    New To The Fallout Universe

    I laughed because it was hilarious. When playing PC games, especially older ones, it's nice to know how to use the options menu. Btw, do you know you can actually adjust the graphics settings in PC games? :P [spoiler:e060027ecf]I'm just kidding with you. :wink: [/spoiler:e060027ecf]
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    Black or White: Making Moral Choices in Video Games

    I found the interview I was talking about. "...I wanted to have NPCs betray the player in a few quests, but Ken had a "no-betrayal" rule..." I had to look pretty hard to find it. It's from 2005, and seems to portray some differences...
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    Encyclopædia Dramatica

    Some segments of this "/b" culture is indeed funny, but i find most of it to be some disgusting pleasure of watching other suffer combined with own social retardation and/ or lack of empathy. Must be a psychopaths heaven. I honestly don't get what's so funny to watch a video of people...
  10. D

    What game was this?

    Yeah. I'm almost surprised someone guessed it, seeing as I have always viewed that game as relatively obscure.
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    Black or White: Making Moral Choices in Video Games

    I completely agree. I was just under the impression that you would rather see black & white scenarios featuring big (but predictable) changes (fallout 3) than the DA brand of choice and consequence; even though it might seem they try to chew more than they can swallow.
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    Black or White: Making Moral Choices in Video Games

    Not so sure about this one, as I feel you'll end up with: A) Do the "right" thing, get praise and a reward. -A cutscene of the village getting saved from the baddie. -People smile when you right click them, and say stuff like: "I wanna be like you when I grow up blah blah!". -Everyone in...
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    Black or White: Making Moral Choices in Video Games

    That was a great post :clap: I hadn't heard what an "deontologist" was before reading that, so your post helped me in my quest of fleshing out an explanation for my own inherent morality. [spoiler:7808e9cbe9] I honestly thought a dark and forboding consequence would come out of the...
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    Black or White: Making Moral Choices in Video Games

    I'm not sure if I agree here, seeing as I seem to recall a couple of good moral grayzones in DA. Like the hungry farmers trying to kill me because of the unrightful bounty placed on my head. I play a "relativistic good" (I'm not so sure how I would define my views of ethics and morality)...
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    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 [shaking news and rumors!]

    I have hated playing unrealistic online FPS's since counter strike, and by the looks of it, they are just continuing down the same lane with each and every new game that comes out. It's the same shit in a different wrapping. I guess if you want a fairly realistic FPS, you should check out...
  16. D

    Bitmob Surveys Fallout 3 glitches

    Of the fallout "trilogy" (1, 2 and... "3"...), I encountered only the most grievous bugs in F2, definitely. That god damned car splitting up and whatnot.
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    Black or White: Making Moral Choices in Video Games

    I love how the employees in bethesda always seem to put out their opinions like they are facts. "People like limited moral choices in 3D environments because it looks, and hence, feels better than complex moral choices in 1D or whatever environments." .. I recall there beeing this one...
  18. D

    Project V13 concept art #7: House Sketches

    The bomb that hit Nagasaki had a destructive power equal to about 21 kt. The nuclear weapons in the Fallout universe feature "average strategic warheads with a yield of 200-750 kt". In a timeline, where a over 100 year old cold war ends in a full atomic apocalypse, followed by massive fallout...
  19. D

    Project V13 concept art #7: House Sketches

    I thought it was obvious that it was the 200 year old abandoned wooden structures that were the issue here, not so much the atomic apocalypse itself.