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  1. M

    The "Bald Dude" Mod!

    @ x'il and other yes i am still here. But i will be not available for something like 1 year. (a lot of private stuff). So i do not work on this any more. I will upload all the finished stuff soon. Do not understand me false. I really would like to finish this, but i cannot cause i must...
  2. M

    Talking Heads

    yes, the tattoos on the head arenht nice.
  3. M

    Talking Heads

    sorry bro, usually i love your ideas but not this time.^^
  4. M

    Ultravox's ART: First wave!

    i mean the courpse.
  5. M

    Fallout 3d Models > is it possibile?

    why? You use other scrpt language? better say: which?
  6. M

    Talking Heads

    Ok, and yes maybe i ask often things. i think it is because my bad English. I often cannot say thinks that i will^^
  7. M

    Fallout 3d Models > is it possibile?

    i must say the light in the fonline engine is really better.
  8. M

    Talking Heads

    what you mean? i just sai that because fallut says he has a branding on the forehead. the TH si very sexy, anyway. @armor color, i do not know but my unfinished metzger mod, he has a uniq black (fire gecko armor) leather armor. The critter is also nearly final.
  9. M

    Talking Heads

    hey the smbol on the armor shoudler will be the same as his forehead brand mark? Cause i like it.
  10. M

    Talking Heads

    lol what have you americans all with your nazis? ^^ the only true nazi was this here:
  11. M

    Talking Heads Ok contie i can live with that. what the other think? I like this also. btw: animated metzger looks really cool. edit: hey his neck tattos not visible in the PA version.
  12. M

    Talking Heads

    yeah also though about it, but do not like. maybe something like this, but with much more datail and accurate? (do not take serious^^ is just for see the idea, i made this in 1 min.) hm, i cannot get my eyes out of this, i love it...
  13. M

    Talking Heads

    Ok i made some thoughts about the forehead of our scarface. First i though simple. We need a symbol that symbolic slaves. So what is near as chains? Other thinking of me was that people around are scared of them , the slavers bring dead and pain. So what is near as a symbol of Azrael the...
  14. M

    The "Bald Dude" Mod!

    realyl great news, i have finsihed also small things but not much, too lot steress in RL for now, sorry
  15. M

    Talking Heads

    contie please do not forget that my englisch is not very good. when i did something miss udnerstand, sorry. and no pelase not an eye on the forehead. ^^ i will give some examples later, for some stylish one. btw. whatever the vault says i think a BIG tatto/branding would looks really...
  16. M

    Fallout 3d Models > is it possibile?

    Sorry bro, but i do not take your posts serious. I hear alway just talking and talking from you. But no results. Your skills are not bad, but you should use them useful. ;)
  17. M

    Fallout 3d Models > is it possibile?

    waht is it? a cow? a dinosaurier? a phazer? WHY you make this, it has something with fallout to do? or you re just borring? whats about your new engine?
  18. M

    Talking Heads

    Ehm, i hope you take my critic seriously, contie.
  19. M

    Talking Heads

    yeah, do that! thanks for your help.
  20. M

    Talking Heads

    can you put some of his projects online or a link? In German AND English if it possible. thank you. I mean to her the voice, you know. ;)