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  1. D

    I Am Losing Faith in Humanity

    Perhaps an instance of Carl Jung's concept of synchroncity. At any rate, the comments are most welcome, and fortunately, I am feeling better from when I posted this thread.
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    I Am Losing Faith in Humanity

    I really appreciate the comment, Vault Dweller, heh. Though one minor clarification: While I played the game and, yes, always selected the Guardian class as well..... I was referring to Plato's "The Republic", my friend. Though I guess both are applicable.
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    Recently, I had an incident come up while working that I thought might be suitable as a thread. First, one must understand that I try to esteem such "archaic" things as honour and integrity very highly, whatever one's politica/religious/social beliefs. Now, I also have a great deal of...
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    I Am Losing Faith in Humanity

    Who the hell are you again, exactly? I was under the impression I was insulted by someone I didn't really give a shit about, but I could be mistaken and wish to clarify this.
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    Empty World OC-

    Im sorry I havent been as active as I could have, been dealing with...well.....stuff. Anyways, tomorrow I should be able to post here, and on other roleplays. I want to make a decent post, not something crappy I throw together. (Sorry about double post, but I want people to see this as a...
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    Down in Mexico Chapter 2 (OC)

    Im sorry I havent been as active as I could have, been dealing with...well.....stuff. Anyways, tomorrow I should be able to post here, and on other roleplays. I want to make a decent post, not something crappy I throw together.
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    Empty World OC-

    Yeah...I kind of noticed that the people in the resteraunt kind of have it a bit tougher than those in the mosque, heh. Werewolves downstairs, dragons outside, and a dead alien/nightmare in the closet. What more marvelous fun will fill their night I wonder?
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    Simpsons movie?

    Making the world safe for kiddie cartoon porn!
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    I Am Losing Faith in Humanity

    I'm sorry we couldn't talk about your favorite foot fetishes again or whatever. You know, important stuff.
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    I Am Losing Faith in Humanity

    Maybe you don't "get it", CCR. I am angry not at how *I* am treated, but came to this conclusion after hours and days of thought. I am angry at how humanity has been created, in the spitting image of a bastard divinity that seems to delight in suffering, as we do ourselves. I am angry for the...
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    I Am Losing Faith in Humanity

    Appreciate the lively conversation people. Welsh, the problem I seem to face is thus: I sincerely envy people who can adhere to a higher ideology through blind faith, as I intermittently seem blessed/cursed to suffer this intellect. I desperately desire to find something noble to adhere to...
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    I Am Losing Faith in Humanity

    Evil = seeking to harm other beings physically, emotionally, or psychologically willfully. That seems a fairly easy answer in my sense. As for the rest, fine, that is respectable I suppose. Trust that I DON'T wish to feel responsible for the actions of humanity, but somehow, I do. For...
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    I Am Losing Faith in Humanity

    Because what the hell else am I supposed to believe Kharn? I have already lost faith in general benevolence, am I also to cast aside belief that humanity can free itself from its self-imposed shackles and embrace freedom? Honestly, why do YOU exist then Kharn, as well as myself and others...
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    I Am Losing Faith in Humanity

    Tell me, tell me true, what nobility is left in spent humanity? What is there worth fighting for in a race of abject slaves to ideology and doctrine, serving a cruel and malevolent God? Where is the love and concern for our fellow suffering souls on this path, that we should give up freedom to...
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    Sex and Video

    I have only one question: Is not Mature (17+) the exact same thing as being an adult ANYWAYS?
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    World War 2 Gaming- suggestion

    This would probably be because historically, Operation Market Garden failed? I am just offering an opinion here, but the difficulty I beleive is fully justified, even if the morale thing is somewhat nebulous (but reflects personality in individual soldiers). The one thing that kind of bothered...