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  1. D

    As the rich get richer and the poor get poorer-

    You know...because half the country did automatically means we gave them a mandate, right?
  2. D

    Zombie Apocalyse- OCC- General Discussion

    Why not steal one of those players from the Cairo game, welsh? Anyways, I need a few days to finish my characters up anyways. I presume I am playing the priest now as my 'hotel' character, yes?
  3. D

    OCC - Zombie Apocalypse - Character Discussion

    I already called Jim Kerr, Stompie.
  4. D

    OCC - Zombie Apocalypse - Character Discussion

    Mr. Foo looked like he would have been my first choice, but that is precisely why I didn't want to play him. He is too much a character I would instantly snap up, and that means I already had an idea for how I wanted him to go. That would have been bad, because the other characters are...
  5. D

    OCC - Zombie Apocalypse - Character Discussion

    Mitchell the Young Artist/ current mechanic Horst Jaegermeister- Aging Skinhead leader- OR Father Roger McCormick- Middle aged Priest (Nice dichotomy, eh?) Jim Kerr- US Fish and Wildlife Service- If you can welsh, maybe you can help me between those two? I can't really...
  6. D

    Zombie Apocalyse- OCC- General Discussion

    Didn't you say you wanted us to play essentially ourselves in this? I don't mind either way, but understandably I am going to have different playing styles for each of them. I don't care if it is canned our ourselves but obviously I am going to be more attached to myself. For one thing, an...
  7. D

    Zombie Apocalyse- OCC- General Discussion

    I'm interested...though I dearly would have liked to see Empty World continue, as this reminds me so much of that game. Anyways, I am a bit curious as to why you chose a rural survival situation with zombies. Is it supposed to be widespread? I guess I ask because most zombie horror stuff...
  8. D

    When you think of the Apocalypse...

    Gray goo. We are going to make nanomachines and they will reprocess us into paperweights. Just hundreds of billions of paperweights inhabiting Earth. PAPERWEIGHTS DAMN YE! Though, I am fond of the whole 'we will never die' scenario. Merge with the machine AI, become one with the...
  9. D

    Why the NRA hates the UN

    I am a bit uncertain how talking about the policy drifts into "all guns are bad". Now, I thinkt he NRA are pretty out there as well regarding their thoughts on what constitutes acceptable firearms, but it is also plainly ridiculous at some of the assertions made here on NMA as well...
  10. D

    NMA Military Folks

    I can't really give you any sort of advice but I wish you the best. Just think of it as valuable wilderness training for the future Fallout apocalypse. Sand, angry locals, traps everywhere....
  11. D

    for sale...

    Wow, even Jarno has a sig picture now, and a non-Dragonetti at that...
  12. D

    for sale...

    You would get a far better turnout in The Order section. Include a picture.
  13. D

    51st State

    You got it the other way around...supposedly we are owned by *them*.
  14. D

    Immigration and a militarized border many ways wealth and power define culture, Big T. THe slavery of the south was about economics for one thing. Yes I admit there are no altruistic motives in our Civil War, but they WERE two different cultures. The immigrants in each, slavery, urbanization, etc. all set the country on...
  15. D

    Immigration and a militarized border

    This problem would easily be fixed if you just gave the Magyar and Szelekys back Transylvania, heh. I tend to agree on the language issue, but for differing reasons. Yeah, half of my family came over on the boat in the 50's from Hungary. My grandparents certainly didn't get any slack for...
  16. D

    Fire ME!?

    Eh, I have two middles names connected with a hyphen. I don't know how rare or common that is, exactly.
  17. D

    If the Democrats were to win, should they impeach Bush

    Well what else am I going to write in reply to this, pray tell? I can argue all night and it won't result in much of anything. It's still technically winning on the internet, heh. We all know how much *that* is worth, right?
  18. D

    Why Catholicism, despite its flaws, is aces in my book

    *Laughs* Thank you alec, I needed a good joke today. Joke is, I could probably kick your ass. Joke is, I am quite happy and no, I'm not a Christian. Joke is, you are afraid of anyone trying to be morally pure, because it is a direct bitchslap in your face. Joke is, your going to be like a...
  19. D

    Why Catholicism, despite its flaws, is aces in my book

    About what I expected. I don't have to teach you a lesson, life will handle that handily enough once you've tried to dig yourself out of whatever pit of vice you call existing. Ultimately, your entire argument, the original reason you came into this thread was to somehow justify your...
  20. D

    Why Catholicism, despite its flaws, is aces in my book

    I'm a sucker for pissing people off? Well, I am going to answer alec's poor little rant about how the world hates him and omgIneedstoslitmywrists. Grow the fuck up indeed. Harsh life? Yeah, well I've been there too. I'll shed a damn tear for you when you show me the warranty where it...