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  1. D

    American soldiers....

    Kharn, there is an exceedingly vague description abotu what constitutes representation for a country. While yes, the elected officials and appointed diplomats represent the country in an official sense, the definition of 'influence' is wildly fluctuation-prone regarding the actions of even...
  2. D

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    9/10 Classic, though I want one of those afterpost images you have. Seeing those three statements brings a smile to me every time.
  3. D

    Immigration - US vs Europe

    Damn people, it's not like McDonalds is suffering for lack of customers in other countries as well. You laugh at it, but apparently they are making some pretty fine money exporting it to countries like France and such, with no lack of people willing to buy the swill. That picture hardly makes...
  4. D

    Typology Survey

    Liberal, again, rather obvious.
  5. D

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    The avatar has been chopped to remove "He thinks". It just ain't so! 6/10. Funny, snooty little countries...
  6. D

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    The character is Jack Skellington from Tim Burton's "A Nightmare Before Christmas". It was a wonderful movie, and you should see it. 7/10, because as we know Brits don't fight with armor, they fight with superior puns and drive-by diatribe, heh.
  7. D

    Buying a game for Xbox

    I really do want a Magic card of myself now, heh. I am rather curious as to what actual abilities I might possess. Are Orderites to be considered a special color (yes, probably pink) of type of creature?
  8. D

    Interplay forums to return

    I prefer they didn't return, honestly. I mean, looking at the state of the website does not make me angry so much as exceedingly depressed. I see an entity clinging to life by force-feeding with a rabid tenacity that it does not deserve. Like Terry Schiavo, but not as funny.
  9. D

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    I am curious as to why you 'need' a penguin as part of your avatar? I of course would immediately jump to the conclusion about the whole 'being black' thing but I presume it is some sort of hidden meaning far beyond my thoughts. A nice safe 7/10. Per pretty much covered everything...
  10. D

    It Began and it Ended. For now.

    Kharn, I am curious as to whether that is the opinion of the non-EU average Dutch person? I mean, I seem to recall the big concern regarding Theo van Gogh's death almost exactly one year ago. I am interested if the concern about it being a 'European' problem or not stems from the fact that the...
  11. D

    It Began and it Ended. For now.

    I find it amusing that people use any excuse they can garner to go break and steal things. Anyways, if you are going to do all this, why not do it in a NICE neighborhood instead of in your own? NIMBLY - Not In My BackYard doesn't seem to apply in riots.
  12. D

    Neo-Nazis on-line?

    Correct me if I am wrong, but wouldn't these Neo-Nazis themselves be considered 'race traitors'? I seem to recall from reading Shirer's "Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" that while deviants were allowed at first, over time people who exhibited glaring personality defects in and of themselves...
  13. D

    Buying a game for Xbox

    No using cheat cards. He has no mana cost!
  14. D


    I concur. I find getting worked up about sports in general is absurd and stupid. It is baseball Mikey, godamn. A Google search would have said that in 5 seconds or less.
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    Tell them you love the Yankees. That will show them. Or get you killed here in the Boston area, but whatever. Either way stupidity is averted.
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    Spoken like a true Orderite.
  17. D


    Since when did being from Chicago mean a damn thing in your life? Why is it called the 'World Series' if it takes place only in the USA with American teams? Since when did you contribute anything to the effort of multimillion dollar athletes hitting a small ball past a predetermined length of...
  18. D

    Catholics says "Bible is the Truth of God....Sometimes

    It's opinion, like your's, is irrelevant.
  19. D

    Religion on the Supreme Court

    Yes I think they are bad, Luke. Obviously. The problem, however, is the establishment of precedent, which is quite important when determining something such as law. To ban an aforementioned person solely based on one's affiliation leaves the door open to allow other groups to be banned for...