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  1. D

    Religion on the Supreme Court

    Luke, you seem to have some deep inborn hatred for religion in any form. Not all people declare that God alone determines law, that religion comes before justice, and other such qualities. By lumping people together in one group "Oh, all you silly religious people" you are in effec tthen one...
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    Religion on the Supreme Court

    While I do not think that religion should be used in such a politically correct way, I cannot agree with your assumptions. While courts should be a place of rationality, you are assuming that all religious people are unable to subsume their own religious beliefs in order to perform a clear and...
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    Space Marines?

    Buzz Aldrin is a hero both for this, and any number of reasons. That bastard journalist had it coming by far.
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    Whom should US invade next

    You would think the oil companies would be good enough at fucking the country over to at least have the common decency of keeping oil prices down in AMERICA. A poor college student can't afford road trips anymore...
  5. D

    Whom should US invade next

    Or we can just annex them for the baseball teams.
  6. D

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    0/10 The fact that the Coke can has K's instead of C's is HILARIOUS. You know, because your name has K's in it in all. Unless of course you are a member of the KKK, and this is all just a subtle mindfuck. In which case, you still get 0.
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    Whom should US invade next

    19/20. Amusing, though the Chicago question was the only one I got wrong, as 2 of the three questions were chopped off on the side. Well, that and the fact that the results are fundamentally biased, but whatever. You know, because emigrating from the US will help prevent the US from...I dont...
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    Wasteland Chapter 5- OCC thread

    Im still here...just.....busy.....sorry. welsh is free to auto me along for a little bit if he desires or it is pivotal. I will get back into things hopefully this weekend.
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    Rate the avatar above yours.

    9/10 I have no idea what kind of armor that is, but I want one of those. Kind of looks like a Tusken Raider firing an assault rifle...
  10. D

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    8/10 Damn those Polish terrorists... Then again of course, we all know Wooz is more of a lover, not a fighter.
  11. D


    Be careful with Firefox. Apparently the newest release is having problems with Java scripts causing it to crash? Oh, 666th post. Nice.
  12. D

    NASA plans return to the moon by 2020

    I tend to side with Kotario on this one. If you look back at what the Space Race did for the countries involved, not just in pure monetary value but prestige and so on, you can see it was clearly a worthwhile endeavour. Hell, the satellites which relay telecommuications all over this...
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    Empty World IC

    **It was at this moment that Sean decided to speak up. The questions had been vexing him the entire time he had been here, and he was more than a little tired of being played for a fool by...whatever was watching them.** "Personally, I think this is all a mind game with very real...
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    How Europe Fails Its Young

    Actually, the comparison would be better served by State vs European country. If we are talking about public universities throughout the Unuted States, much of the funding can and does come from state governments as well. It is only supplemented by federal funding. Therefore, Virginia is far...
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    Wasteland Chapter 5- OCC thread

    I'm in, I have just been bogged down with college life, welsh. I know I promised to pla Set, but I don't think that is very likely right now. Ivan will be around though, and posting soon.
  16. D

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    7/10. I am no longer afraid of sharp needles surprisingly. Reminds me a bit of an art piece in the instruction book of a game called: "Starseige".
  17. D

    Good Bye New Orleans, I Hardly Knew Thee

    Ratty, you aren't the only one who thought this as well. (Yes I played Deus Ex) I was speaking to several friends of mine on campus that I would not be surprised at all if the federal government used this an excuse to grant furthur powers from the states to groups such as FEMA, ostensibly in...
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    Power Armor Difficulties

    The face looks very similar to the old 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion" and other such caricatures of the Jews. Sagging eyes, droopy nose, etc. Was that a deliberate model, or just coincidence? Excellent drawing, by the way.
  19. D

    Who are the Japanese?

    Damn right. Magyar blood and Teutonic blood are far superior to Slav ancestry. EDIT: I fail tos ee the black text joke regarding this, but whatever.