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  1. J

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project Discussion (ideas/suggestions)

    suggestions re-iterated for food/water/etc requirements: to lose hp after every 8 hours (3 meals per day) in the new food/water system? even passing time in town? or when travelling in the worldmap? or both? enforcing fatigue system to force the "chosen one" to drop tired and sleep...
  2. J


    so who is the "project manager" on this food/water/rad system? is josan12 confirmed as the sole author? what is the estimated timeline? take it to the next level.. commit..
  3. J

    Fallout 2: Shattered Destiny

    "error" as dialog text.. also, i have to replay the whole game in one try.. i cant save and reload.. ps. saw the game on youtube by DAP640... freaking weird gameplay.. evil childkiller ass... didn't see why he kill stuart little.. he just went straight to cap his ass.. his...
  4. J


    do you guys notice that: in fo1, u have "the glow" which is high in rad.. the glow is critical to the plot. in fo2, i think only toxic caves and other random encounters are highly radiated.. but these locations is not crtitical to the plot. anyway, questions: are we gonna lose hp after...
  5. J

    Fallout 2: Shattered Destiny

    i just tried out this mod 1.1 english version. i installed on a new sub folder called sd, and copy the fallout.cfg file into that subfolder. started playing. i can't save. error, cannot save. i got the quest from bene.. and he ask me to go church to find her daughter, hanna.. went to...
  6. J

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project Discussion (ideas/suggestions)

    i killed masticator in bishop's basement. and when i fought for the title bout, 3 fighters later, i become prizefighter without risking my ears bitten off. is this the way to avoid my ear from being bitten off? is this normal?
  7. J

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project Gameplay Thread

    in FRP1.2, after killing metzger, you can talk the slaves before freeing them, and they tell u the location of slave camps...
  8. J

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.0 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    i like pixote's rugs and pots.. & other tidbits.. too... best interior designer for wasteland ever.. i dont see those pipes, mentioned by ravagers.. too bad for him.. one-eye ghoul is statements is uncalled for..
  9. J

    Fallout and a food system

    yeah agreed.. items at 0.1 lb is still good. u guys also supporting this food system for fo2 also?
  10. J

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project Gameplay Thread

    by setting higher world map delay, i move slower on foot or car. it helps me to get more encounters / random / special. however, it saddens me to see time goes by so fast.. 13 year limit.. time flies.. ;Set to 1 to use the fallout 1 code to control world map speed WorldMapFPSPatch=1...
  11. J

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.0 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    i tried the speed option from 100 to 200.. ;The initial speed at game startup SpeedMultiInitial=200 it is cool.. help to bear slow npc too..
  12. J

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project Gameplay Thread

    can anyone tell me how to access the submarine? i already hacked shi's emperor and become the submarine maintenance crew,,, but i cant find the sub...
  13. J

    How can I extract the Fallout 2 item and interface icons?

    can the moderator/op delete this thread? it's redundant
  14. J

    Fallout and a food system

    voting for food system.. aye.. i want mom's smitty's meal pic.. not iguana on a stick.. hopefully food will be as weightless as -nuka cola, jet, beer, stimpak, drugs/chem, money btw, should these items be weightless?
  15. J

    Thank Per for the walkthrough. Sexpert and San Francisco ?

    yes, i got +2 also...from charisma implant.. instead of 1.. but i did not suffer your reduction.. i got it forever.
  16. J

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project Discussion (ideas/suggestions)

    yo, look for this line in ddraw, and i dare u to change from 0 to 1: ;Causes npc's who complete their combat turn with ap left over will try and find other ways to spend it. ;Only npcs with ap left equal to or greater than the value given here will be considered. NPCsTryToSpendExtraAP=0
  17. J

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project Gameplay Thread

    yea,.. the only source of ec ammo is SF and NCR, Buster too.. anyway, it should be hightime you uupdate the walkthru guide.. haha goodjob.
  18. J

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project Gameplay Thread

    empty hypo can be found in broken hills shop too.. but i think the shops in f2rp restock itself normally with the almost the same stuff.. so exotic stuff like empty hypo , jet antidote, ec2mm, are lesser and lesser... unlike vanilla fo2... i assume restocking is a way to reduce too many items...
  19. J

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project Discussion (ideas/suggestions)

    Re: Sulik''s quest to find his sister. yes, it should be as funny as vic+valerie but made faster or clickable... vic+valerie dialog was ok but annoying slow.. so was kaga1.2.. it made my day, to see kaga1.2 run like a pussy.. but in kaga2.0, he's too nerfed.. and just stand there...