guys i am having problems:
-going to den residential, is ok, but leaving it becomes blank and program quit..
-ask metzger about slaver camp, he gives direction, when i reach there, 2 rangers arrive together and slavers start shooting.. rangers like to burst and vic was killed...
i just realised those empty encounter provides 2xander root and 1 brocflower for me to loot/harvest/pick
is there a way to go back to default pc guy.. my savegame is at lvl5 for killap RP 2.0...
long hair dude looks nice but when he runs he jerks on the 3 or 4 step of running.. somehow not as smooth as the rest of the npcs.. or compared to the default..
is this a bug or exploit? i still can steal from locked desk.. without the need to lockpick...
after i steal all stuff, i still lockppick it for that measly 25xp.. haha.. stealing and reloading is easier to lvl up than go exploring the wastelands.. at lvl5, i still get alot of empty (no...
guys, i tried to get cassidy to put away his leather armour when i got him into my party... but leaving dialog.. cassidy DISAPPEARED!!!.. i had to reload.
kudos killap+others.. so far, i see more nice details like turret moving, lynette monitors, more colourful rugs? pots?, little girls in...
where can i get to change the hero/pc appearance? wearing APA makes me no different from enclave..
plus, when cassidy (with PA) is using gauss pistol, he has his helmet on.. which is hard to differentiate from vic..
any ideas? link me please...