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    Underrail Trailer, Shadowrun Alpha Video

    Jake Armitage is such a boss.
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    Th4if no more.

    So... they're remaking Dishonored?
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    Obsidian CEO Talks Working on Fallout Again

    Personally would love to see a Fallout: LA from Obsidian and I hope one day they would get to make one or something similar. Could have a lot of lore about the events of Fallout 1.
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    Wasteland 2 first look video released, update

    The combat looks really good, love the line of sight angles, ambushing and etc. The music and atmosphere are fucking amazing. Can't wait! :D
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    Wasteland 2 new screenshot surfaces

    Looks very nice.
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    Dead State is now on Kickstarter

    Nice DayZ thread guys. Oh wait... Anyway, I'm pretty strapped for cash so I only managed to drop $15 on Dead State (which is funny considering I gave $115 for Wasteland 2).
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    Underrail indie RPG Gameplay Footage

    Looks good, hoping to see more of it later.
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    Rate the above song and post your own.

    6/10, decent, not the kind of thing I usually listen to.
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    The Last of Us E3 Gameplay Footage

    Yeah, personally I thought that was a little ruthless. The guy is begging for mercy and he just shoots him in the face. The setting seems cool, it looks nice and all, but the main characters going around murdering people just doesn't seem that realistic, unless there is some missing backstory...
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    I killed my cat (I think)

    I have a feeling that was the idea.
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    The Elder Scrolls Online

    Star Wars: The Old Republic.
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    how to spend skill points after getting promoted?

    Hit up a library in one of the towns.
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    NMA Opening Analysis: Fallout

    Very nice article, sea. A lot of things explained that I failed to notice until now.
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    inXile on multi-platform releases

    Haha, I was just thinking about that.
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    Legend of Grimrock, old school dungeon crawler RPG

    Evasion is brokenly overpowered compared to Protection in this game. If you have one good Rogue on the front lines with Evasion skill bonuses and Evasion-pumped gear then he's pretty much invulnerable. Of course, spells can always hit you. But then for things such as the Uggardians (the fire...
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    The Dishonored Thread

    Sounds cool but a all-CGI, no-gameplay trailer isn't very encouraging. Just shows where all the budget goes in today's games.
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    Wasteland 2 drive in the final 24 hours

    I finally got around to pledging my $115 a couple of days ago. I hope this reaches $3mil.
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    Legend of Grimrock, old school dungeon crawler RPG

    It's "real-time", but to me it feels more like a continuous turn-based system because of how the combat is designed to work with the grid-based maps.
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    Wasteland 2 Kickstarter Update #10, First concept art

    You're not seeing the opening in the "hood"? As for what Cold Zer0 said, it seems about right to me. Though Mike Scott being there is questionable. Or they could just be a bunch of Rangers unrelated to the first game. :wink: