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  1. S

    [FO2] anyone no were to find the alien blaster

    RE: anyone no were to find the alien blaster >man i cant find this weapon >please help me Travel about 4 squares north of Modoc and run around til you get a random encounter with a merchant. The Merchant's name is Willy and he sometimes sells the alien blaster. The first time I tried this...
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    Play Fallout on Win2k?

    >I tryed to install Fallout on >my Windows 2000 machine but >I won't allow me to >install it... > >Anyone got some way to do >it (like installing it on >my win 98 partition and >moving some dll on the >good spot?? maybe Here's a page with detailed instructions on how to get...
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    [FO2] Character level limit?

    RE: Character level limit? >Too bad that isn't enough to >get all perks Nah. Once your character is that godlike it really doesn't matter.
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    *grins* Just ask Roshambo how it's used. If anyone would know it's him...
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    [FO2] Character level limit?

    RE: Character level limit? >I've been playing for a while >and have a level 20 >character, but I can still >get killed by the enclave >patrols, even when there are >only 3 of them and >2 of them have pulse >pistols while one has a >plasma pistol. And even when >I use the quick...
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    [Arcanum] How's this for a background

    RE: There's one thing I dislike >[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Oct-04-01 >AT 08:47 PM (GMT) > >Troika did a good job of >making all of the stats >and skills in Arcanum useful, >and as a result I >think they have way too >many backgrounds in which the >negative...
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    [Arcanum] How's this for a background

    RE: How's this for a background >I thought this one up and >it looks rather good. > >Peeping Tom > >Restrictions : none (hey, even women >can do it) > >explanation : >You have always been interested in >members of the other sex, >especially when they had no >clothes on. You...
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    [FO1] Teleported from Necropolis to Mariposa Military Base!!

    RE: Teleported from Necropolis to Mariposa Military Base!!! That's right. When you talk to Harry the stupid mutant you can do a few things: 1. Talk yourself out of it. If you're smart enough and your speech is high enough you can convince him you're a ghoul. 2. Fight him. Just make him...
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    >yeah, but what's so funny about >it? I've been asking myself that very question. I usually like Penny Arcade, but this sure isn't one of my favorites. Maybe it's one of those things you only understand when you play Tribes...
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    [FO2] Time Limit...

    RE: Time Limit... >Ok, did not play Fallout 2 >for a while, came in >and played a char i >had from way back. Been >leveling but still did not >finish game. Now, I thought >fallout 2 did not have >a time limit, looks like >it does, walking around and >all of a sudden it...
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    >I don't get it. His computer kicks him in the "beanbag"...
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    [FO2] What can you do with Bill and Cody?

    RE: What can you do with Bill and Cody? >In New Reno, you've got Bill >(the uncommunicative drunk in Mordino's >joint) and Cody (the kid >at the Cat's Paw). > >I know Bill will call your >sunglasses stupid should you wear >them. > >I know Cody will flee if >you're in power...
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    The Brain Chemical Syndrome

    >Who started the "brain chemical syndrome" >anyway? The forums on uses the same script. The webmaster JC hates it too when people use "u" or "ur".
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    Newbie on the away! run away!

    >ah... that's it! > > >u (must check if it works) Looks Roshambo removed it already. We had a small discussion about it on the general board. Check out this thread:
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    Newbie on the away! run away!

    >Cool i did'nt notice I where >flamed =D > You weren't flamed. It's just a small boardscript we implemented to make people think about how they bastardize the english language. And I'm glad it had the appropriate effecton you. :)
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    [Arcanum] how do you use technological manuals?

    RE: how do you use technological manuals? They work by keeping them in your inventory.
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    [FO2] Chip's stupid spleen

    RE: Chip's stupid spleen [font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Sep-30-01 AT 09:27AM (GMT)[p]>RRRgh! Stupid invisible time limit! Argh! > > >Ah well, I guess that's another >quest I mucked up (the >other being the "catch human >racists" one in Broken Hills). >Sorry Chip. >...
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    [FO2] HtH character ... bad idea?

    RE: HtH character ... bad idea? >whats so wrong with the bad >luck dog? just punch him >in the eyes and you >might get an instant death >critical and kill him =] > > >no loss The thing is that you hardly get criticals when you have the dog. And when you do they tend to be...
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    [FO2] Mrs. Bishop's necklace?

    RE: Mrs. Bishop's necklace? >Can she tell the combination to >you any other way than >in her sleep? No, she can't. The trick is getting her to tell you about the lingual enhancer after having sex with her.
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    [FO2] NPC's

    RE: NPC's >Where did my NPC's go after >I slept with Bishop's wife....they >disappeared This is a wellknown bug in FO2 that the patch doesn't fix. If you sleep with Mrs Bishop again your NPCs will be back when you get downstairs.