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  1. S

    Can't get FO 2 to play?

    Did you ever install the patch? "The best trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn't exist."
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    fallout on IRC has it's own channel on EFnet. The channelname is #vault13 (duh). "The best trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn't exist."
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    [FO2] Please Help....!

    RE: Please Help....! >Can someone let my know how >can I get into Westin >Ranch ? >I read some FAQ/Walkthrough, it seems >like I haven't done something >in vault city... Talk to Sheriff Dumont (the cop on the corner of the weapons store in NCR) and ask him about honest work. He'll...
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    [FO2] Car missing !

    RE: Car missing ! Where exactly was your car parked? If it was parked on Virgin Street in New Reno, it most likely was stolen. "The best trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn't exist."
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    happy new year

    [font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Jan-01-01 AT 03:41PM (GMT)[p]Happy New Year. May your muses never die and bring forth many more stories in 2001. "The best trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn't exist."
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    Happy new year everyone!!

    May the new year bring joy and happiness to the posters of this board. "The best trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn't exist."
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    Mr_Teaky, Mouse & BOS Steel knight

    >From what i've read these guys >weren't really liked when they >were around. Could someone tell >me what went wrong. Did >they make some sort of >a mistake. I know BOS >steel knight BSed on the >Fallout boards but how about >the others. > >It's only cheating if you get...
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    [FO2] Some unknown place

    RE: Some unknown place >I have hacked the hubologist computer >and there I find some >hints about a place where >the hubologists have stashed all >the money they have *stolen* >from their members...BUT it says >that I cant figure out >where this place is... > >So my question...
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    ATTN: 8 ball

    This is an official warning. Stop that wanna be gangsta crap. Flaming and all caps messages are not appreciated on this forum. If you want to critisize something go ahead, but make it a coherent post with proper arguments and no flaming.
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    Mouse Sensitivity

    >The mouse sensitivity option for both >games (Fallout 1 & 2) >doesn't work. There's no >noticeable difference when I set >it to minimum or maximum >settings. Did I do >something wrong? > >This is very annoying, especially when >the primary controller is the >mouse! I've...
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    Help on it's way Download the savegame editor from the files section of this website. Note: the converter only works on version 1.00 savegames. If you have version 1.01 you'll have to start over or reinstall and play without the patch.
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    I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but there are female mutants. In fallout 1 when you try to convince the master that the mutants can't reproduce you get an option to tell him to ask a female mutant about it. Mutants were sterile during the timeperiod of fallout 1, it wasn't until much later they...
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    [FO2] Modoc quest

    RE: Modoc quest > It is only his >intransigence that is preventing from >successfully averting war between the >slags and the Modocians ? Yes it is. When you talk to him you should have a dialogue option that says: "So, what's your story?" Choose that and nothing else and he'll tell...
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    chemical brothers are killing me

    RE: Ha ha ha... LAUGH! >[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Dec-26-00 >AT 06:12 PM (GMT) > >Why the hell do people laugh >and clap at EVERYTHING Letterman >says? Granted, he slips the >occasional good one in but >still. I don't get that either, but it wouldn't surprise...
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    Sad but true: Lucasarts running dry?

    I've heard mixed opinions about MI4. Allthough, judging from reviews I think it's still a lot better then most of their other new titles. "The best trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn't exist."
  16. S

    [FO2] "Error" ??

    RE: "Error" ?? >oic.... >I dunno which version I am >using though... >My version is 1.0 before patches, >and I am using the >US >patches... > >BTW, is there a patches for >european version ? Yes, there are separate patches for the US and the Euro version. The difference...
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    [FO2] "Error" ??

    RE: "Error" ?? I had something similar when I accidentally installed the US patch on my european version of the game. Could that be the problem? "The best trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn't exist."
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    List of Problems with Fallout Online

    RE: roshambo >Honestly, I would like to see >where I supposedly flamed him. Actually, I think he was referring to me. I called him a moron. I shouldn't have done that, but some people just get to me. "The best trick the devil ever...
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    New Recruits

    He's just asking if there are any new people posting or lurking on the board. "The best trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn't exist."
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    List of Problems with Fallout Online

    RE: roshambo >oh i think i know what >you were sayng of why >i was banned,, wen you >said i was banned for >flaimming xoter ,, i am >starting to understand, you admins >can go about freely, flamming >people, but when people flame >you,, you ban them,, ooh >poor baby, cant take...