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  1. C

    Diplomatic Character

    Well, i'm gonna give it a try and see how much I can stay in character. I'm not TOO worried about side quests, since in real life a diplomat would just go "no, I can't do that, sorry." We'll see, thanks for the help!!!
  2. C

    Diplomatic Character

    I know it CAN be done, i'm just wonderinf if anyone has tried making a purely diplomatic character in F3. I'm thinking of starting a 4th character and trying to get by on just social skills and possibly sneaking.
  3. C

    The glaring flaw that is Megaton

    It's also quite possible that the people were simply retarded, lol. The original point of my post was that I can get along fine with it and it doesn't diminish my enjoyment of the game. Though, if it made more sense, perhaps it would strengthen my enjoyment of it as well. Personally I think...
  4. C

    The glaring flaw that is Megaton

    This is from the wiki: Megaton was built by a large group of people who originally planned to seek shelter in Vault 101 but were denied access. So without shelter, they sought refuge in a large crater made by a large megaton bomb (though not due to an explosion of the bomb) and a large...
  5. C

    First Time You Played Fallout...

    I myself was a big fan of Morrowind and Oblivion. I knew I'd be getting Fallout 3, so the summer before it came out I bought and played through the first two games twice. My favorite game series of all time is Baldur's Gate, and as a gamer my age who played those classics when they were new, I...
  6. C

    Raven Rock

    I've started a new female character that will be a braniac with a nack for explosives and diplomacy. She'll only use her 10 mm to get out of a "jam" and basically just try and explore and see what kind of trouble she can get into. It's tempting to knock down the difficulty for this build, just...
  7. C

    Fallout 3 reviews, hype, thoughts?

    I've got the strategy guide and it shows all the variations of ending. It's very small stuff. Like, if you are black, then the portrait of you in the picture with you and your dad will be black. There is 4 variations right there based on race, and two more for sex. Then there is different...
  8. C

    Raven Rock

    I tend to agree. I still think Fallout 3 is super awesome, and now that I've beaten the main quest, I can get on with ignoring it. At least this main quest isn't "urgent" like the one from Oblivion. Your Dad left, and you have to leave anyway because the Overseer is throwing a fit. So you...
  9. C

    Raven Rock

    Funny thing is I never rescued Fawkes. I saw him in the Vault and he wanted me to get him out. I tried figuring out how to free him, but I ended up getting the GECK first. I had 100 lock pick skill, and ran into the GECK room with some rad x and a rad suit. When I ran out I was captured by...
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    Raven Rock

    The easiest thing to do would be to have a scripted sequence where either Fawkes turns on you because he sided with Autumn, or Autumn kills him.
  11. C

    Raven Rock

    I think it would have been cool to find out that Autumn himself engineered Eden, because he needed a figure head and voice to reach out to the people of the wasteland. Then Eden went bat-shit crazy with the FEV in the water thing and Autumn had to pick up the pieces. Of course then the Enclave...
  12. C

    As far as I'm concerned,Fallout 3 never happened. *spoilers*

    I strongly disagree and felt Fallout 3 was awesome. However, your post was a hilarious good read and parody of Fallout 3. Kudos!
  13. C

    Funniest moment in FO3? SPOILERS

    I was in canterbury commons. I went to talk to the son of the guy who runs the town, the name escapes me. I finish talking to this kid, and he walks away. Except the walking animation doesn't play. So he's standing, and just kinda "glides" out of the room, turns a corner, and finishes...
  14. C

    A genuine, worthy sequel

    I have the strategy guide, so I can look it up when I go home. But my internet filter here at work won't let me view the main NMA website, just the forum. Thanks for the link though!
  15. C

    Funniest moment in FO3? SPOILERS

    The AntAgonizer. And the crazy bitch from Arefu who still thinks she has grass.
  16. C

    A genuine, worthy sequel

    I haven't even found Vault 106 yet, where is that located? I did like the FEV Vault, whatever that number was. That Vault was awesome in that it practically said nothing about what happened; though the history there was palpable.
  17. C

    Fallout 3 reviews, hype, thoughts?

    I thought the accents were pretty clear. Granted, it sounded a lot like I was talking to Jim Raynor or Arcturus Mengsk from Starcraft.
  18. C

    Problems with FO3 summed up with old quote

    I think that is a valid complaint. However, due to the sheer size of the game, it hardly amounts to laziness on Beth's part. For me, the best parts of Fallout's story are the things that "aren't" said. Seeing bloody hand prints on glass and a corpse inside a room says a lot more than "dear...
  19. C

    Fallout 3 mod request

    I wouldn't say that's quite the case. Morrowind and Oblvion also had such hard coded mechanics. Much of the game is moddable, but there are still a few aspects out of reach.
  20. C

    Fallout 3 mod request

    The loading screen aspect of the game is likely to be unmoddable to that degree. The spash screen can probably be changed, but inserting a command to continue is likely hard coded.