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  1. C

    Problems with FO3 summed up with old quote

    I don't think anyone is arguing the quality of Fallout 2 as whole. I find the two games similar to the first two ninja turtles movies. The first one was dark, gritty, and very much like the original violent graphic novels it was based on. The second one was the same characters, similar story...
  2. C

    Your favorite Fallout moment from F3

    I'm glad. It's not a situation where I want to be right. Now, to get back on topic, I really enjoyed the ending of the game. I sacrificed myself. It was neat to realize that the game began with me opening my eyes for the first time, and ended with me closing them for the last time. I...
  3. C

    Problems with FO3 summed up with old quote

    I never said he wasn't involved, but the lead design role shifted.
  4. C

    Your favorite Fallout moment from F3

    No one sees trolling unless it's being positive toward Fallout 3. If it's negative, it's fair game.
  5. C

    Problems with FO3 summed up with old quote

    I don't think it matters that Bethesda had different employees working on it's different games. So did Fallout. Leonard Boyarsky did the first one, and Tim Cain did the second one. The original point being made in regards to Bethesda is that they didn't "sell out," they simply went back to...
  6. C

    Problems with FO3 summed up with old quote

    I think Bethesda strikes a good balance between ease of play for the casual gamer, and a lore deep experience for the hard core. The writing is still there. It's in the little notes, computer terminals, side quest and so one that the casual gamer will probably miss. In Oblivion it was in the...
  7. C

    Problems with FO3 summed up with old quote

    Not too mention that in the case of Planescape, the moons truly aligned. It was a game built on an existing and proven engine, with fantastic lore, and a fantastic team behind it. And commercially it totally flopped. This is what makes it so special, because it will never happen again. I am...
  8. C

    Problems with FO3 summed up with old quote

    I honestly don't believe that Bethesda mainstreamed the TES series to make more money. When Morrowind first came out, it alienated a lot of people, and also got rid of a lot of features that were in Daggerfall. So they brought back those features, including: house owning, horse back riding...
  9. C

    Only three complaints.

    1. I wish that ALL quests showed up in your quests log in the PIP boy. Some things are considered "free form" quests like fixing the water pipesin Megaton, or getting scrap metal for some people. It would be cool if it showed up, in case I forget. 2. I wish the game didnt' end after the...
  10. C

    Fallout 3 reviews, hype, thoughts?

    Based off of what I read in interviews, they did add some level scaling to the main quest. It's minimal everwhere else. I have a level 16 character still running into rad-roaches, which is nice. I have also ran into things at a very early level that I shouldn't have. Ultimately, the leveling...
  11. C

    Fallout 3 reviews, hype, thoughts?

    As far as the level cap goes, I remember the level cap in Fallout being 21. Even in Fallout 2, after doing most of the quests and finishing the game I was still about level 18 or so. I don't see the level cap as an issue.
  12. C

    Your favorite Fallout moment from F3

    Favorite F3 far? (spoilerish) I'm curious to see what people's favorite moments are so far. Mine was finding Canterbury Commons for the first time. I found the place at about 2 am, and saw what looked like a woman dressed up as an ant yelling at a man dressed up as a robot. I...
  13. C

    A genuine, worthy sequel

    I concur with the OP on pretty much everything.
  14. C

    Something to think about. A few words about Fallout 3 .

    IMO, Fallout 3 is an amazing looking game. The engine IS dated and it doesn't have the technical bells and whistles that newer game engines do. However, that doens't detract from the fact that Fallout 3 looks great. World Of Warcraft is another example of a great looking game, without a...
  15. C

    Something to think about. A few words about Fallout 3 .

    Another thing to note, is that technically Fallout 3 is not just using Oblivion's engine, but using Morrowind's. They keep updating the gamebryo engine to support the latest bells and whistles, and are doing quite a good job. And when modders come along and release a high res texture pack like...
  16. C

    Would you have accepted it as a Spin-Off?

    Firstly, I am a fan of Bethesda's games. A lot of people on this board are not, and I respect that. I think that Fallout 3 does in real time and in your face everything that the first 2 conveyed in text. I like being immersed in my games, and the first person experience does that for me. I...
  17. C

    Something to think about. A few words about Fallout 3 .

    I think Half Life 2 might be an unfair comparison. It's a much smaller game with much tighter scripting. It is an on-rails shooter. The character animations are great, but that's about it. I think Fallout 3 looks great. It doesn't have a technical wiz-bang engine like Crysis, but it does...
  18. C

    Would you have accepted it as a Spin-Off?

    Fallout 3 is so far to me a better game than the first 2. There, I said it. Now bring the pain.
  19. C

    Fallout 3 : A succesful re-branding

    Agreed. Glad I don't own a 360, then I get to experience all the good 360 games on PC later when they are polished. Mass Effect was a bit short (thought it is part of a planned trilogy) but the storyline and characters really sucked me in. KOTOR was the same for me, but then KOTOR 2 came...
  20. C

    Fallout 3 : A succesful re-branding

    Just to add, I have Mass Effect for PC. It is a very smooth and solid playing experience, and doesn't feel like a console game to me. I haven't played the 360 version. The Baldur's Gate series is still my all time favorite game. Fallout 3 is right up there though as one of my newer faves...