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    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    they have not rule out areas outside the map as future DLC so im hoping for a area with some actual plot and NPC
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    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    im still hoping one of those vaults actually releases NPC to the damn game
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    Fallout, Lore, Aliens, Easter Eggs, Bethesda and Mothershit Zeta

    I think the DLC was awesome not sure what the issue is people seems to have
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    Rebuttal of Escapist's "Bethesda Killed Fallout" article

    Megaton was founded by the survivors of the plane so i would say days after the bombs making one of the first post-war towns about the lack of development one thing is been near the coast and other is been so inland like capital wasteland is there are issues in 3 the same way there are issues...
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    Rebuttal of Escapist's "Bethesda Killed Fallout" article

    Could be that some GECKS were BS Depends what you mean by Evil here For Example, super mutants have the tendency to be pretty hostile to anything that's not them and someone been in receiving end of that could call them evil. Fallout 3 enclave is not in the same level of so call evil as the...
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    Did Bethesda Retcon Power Armor again?

    Yes i play 76 a lot I'm sorry im dirt. Something that i notice was that Fallout 4 did some let say retcons with some Power armors like X01 and T51 while also adding the controversial T-60. But now playing 76 I feel they try to fix some of the issues with them lore wise? For example, The T51...
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    Fallout 76 has the most depressing Vault story--even more than F4

    76 did not get a GECK but 94 did and the idiosts seems to have trigger it inside the vault
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    Fallout 5 Predictions

    I have to disagree we need a game where we can join then at least one time before finally getting rid of them. for what I saw from Bethesda I feel they building up to something more with them eventually. I think there could be a future for an eastern enclave, we now know they went to multiple...
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    Bethesda going out of its way to ignore New Vegas

    Deacon metions MR house
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    Things Fallout 76 did right 1#: The Brotherhood of Steel

    I will be on record that the BOS should have been nowhere near this game. The idea presented in-game while possible only makes more questions Why would someone follow this clown calling themselves knights? I'm not saying is not possible but it makes you wonder. Why did Lyons know nothing...
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    A Fallout Game Set in Europe

    Is called Metro
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    Fallout 5 Predictions

    Hi there I will do a serious prediction for Fallout 5. I think the game will be set in New York or Florida but would not mind if it is set in San Fransisco as many people think. Why would I want New York ? because I think is what the series needs to get back to that fallout Bethesda feeling...