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  1. Dr Fallout

    Where did I say you conscript the whole planet? You can't, you just hold the city centres and...

    Where did I say you conscript the whole planet? You can't, you just hold the city centres and important districts.
  2. Dr Fallout

    What the fuck does 'Why are they even a treat' mean? Convince? Ever heard of conscription and...

    What the fuck does 'Why are they even a treat' mean? Convince? Ever heard of conscription and moving them to a different planet?
  3. Dr Fallout

    Which is strangely why the Empire prefers to use terror and fear rather then direct control...

    Which is strangely why the Empire prefers to use terror and fear rather then direct control. It's why we see so many of the Empire's planets only containing Storm Troopers and Imperial forces, yet otherwise they appear quite independent as long as they don't disobey the Empire. The Empire aren't...
  4. Dr Fallout

    Star Wars: Rogue One

    I liked how the movie shook up the old Star Wars formula to something new and interesting.
  5. Dr Fallout

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    I will admit wombats are pretty cool, but I find platypus's cooler. They can shiv you with a poisonous spike which causes paralysis and extreme pain.
  6. Dr Fallout

    Yeah Tarkin holds more formal power than Darth Vader. Also, Tarkin is a better bad guy than...

    Yeah Tarkin holds more formal power than Darth Vader. Also, Tarkin is a better bad guy than Darth Vader, would have loved to see more of him.
  7. Dr Fallout

    Damn you Stallllliiiiiinnnnn!!!

    Damn you Stallllliiiiiinnnnn!!!
  8. Dr Fallout

    I can't give you a better review.

    I can't give you a better review.
  9. Dr Fallout

    Disco Elysium OUT NOW (previously: No Truce With The Furies)

    Oh, so we're going that route... :smug:
  10. Dr Fallout

    I am the Antipope, like a lion hunts an antelope, like a hammer hits a cantaloupe.

    I am the Antipope, like a lion hunts an antelope, like a hammer hits a cantaloupe.
  11. Dr Fallout

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    Hah, as the 'zoologist' in you. As the eye-witness in me I've seen what those suckers do. I admit, the guy had it coming, thinking he could pat a wombat but still... if those teeth can burrow through concrete they can burrow through Human flesh.
  12. Dr Fallout

    Star Wars: Rogue One

    Even the French Resistance that wasn't communist weren't exactly good and kind.
  13. Dr Fallout

    Star Wars: Rogue One

    Let's look at how they handled collaborators, and executed enemy soldiers without compassion or mercy, while employing indiscriminate sabotage and assassination.
  14. Dr Fallout

    Star Wars: Rogue One

    Pacifism is almost as bad as just war. This disproves my point how?
  15. Dr Fallout

    Star Wars: Rogue One

    Just War=:puke: It doesn't exist and it's a bunch of bullshit. I'd rather have a movie giving me a depressing message then a light and jaunty one on the lie that is Just War. Also it's not exactly a comic book or pulp story... the Vietnam war influenced the fight between the Rebels and Empire...
  16. Dr Fallout

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    Look at the teeth! They're massive! Imagine that going into your skin...
  17. Dr Fallout

    Star Wars: Rogue One

    Ehhh.... that could work, but that makes the Alliance look even worse as an insufferable morally pure group. Turning their nose at the evils of others to fight pure and holy. Frankly, that makes me dislike the Alliance even more and turn strongly to the Empire. To be honest, I'm Imperial all the...
  18. Dr Fallout

    Star Wars: Rogue One

    Wants to see a 'good' guy kill tons of civilians for being collaborators=dislikes the movie for being too dark. You can't have your cake and eat it.